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Xvirus Personal Firewall Pro 4.5.0 был доступен бесплатно 8 февраля 2021 г.
Xvirus Personal Firewall Pro – простой в использовании фаервол для Windows, который проверяет все активные соединения (входящие и исходящие) и позволяет контролировать доступ программ в интернет на основе белых и черных списков.
Благодаря таким функциям, как блокировка недоверенных программ, сетевой монитор, защита от троянов-вымогателей и "облачная" проверка, Xvirus Personal Firewall PRO обеспечивает вас всем необходимым для дополнительной защиты от сетевых – без замедления работы компьютера.
Основные возможности Xvirus Personal Firewall PRO
Windows 7/ 8/ 10 ; .NET Framework 4.5
101 КВ
Пожизненная, без обновлений
I expect to receive hundreds of Thumbs Down for this comment because, rather than correcting someone elses critique of how he/she feels the interface looks, and getting lots of thumbs up for so doing, I thought I might actually comment on the program offered here.
From what I can tell this has a pretty small footprint and one thing it does nicely is monitor any 'Phone home' behaviour of any software. It also asks if you wish to allow, for example,. a program software update (Which depending on the program in question, might or might not be unwanted).
NOT good is the fact that there are loads of settings that can be altered but doesn't give any idea of what or how so a lot of guesswork needed.
Best thing is this works alongside any 'Firewall' as this is designed to be an addition to the service carried out by your existing firewall.
I shall leave it running for now, but it seems to have more going for it than against - so far.
No Email needed to register - simple as it gets. Just copy/paste the code given into box which opens when button bottom left is clicked. Happy Days,
First impression, the GUI look's amateurish and one dimensional like the start of a game from the 1980's
sid, did you look at their site at all? And it's kind of hard to stylize tabular data. What's more important is whether the firewall works and is easy to use.
As far as I know, Windows has a firewall that is also enabled.
A couple of quick notes:
I haven't downloaded this, so can't comment on it specifically, but the vast majority of Windows 10 "firewalls" are just front end controls for the existing Windows 10 firewall, which can do all sorts of decent stuff when you can talk to it. I don't know if this is that or not.
The other note is that there is no way, NO WAY, to be connected to the Internet and prevent the backdoor Microsoft uses to send a ton of your personal info to its servers. Since they control the OS, they can do just about anything with the outbound connections, and as they hoover endless info from your machine about your software, your browsing, your emails, pretty much everything you do, nothing currently exists to stop them from doing so.
Those freeware programs that claim to 'protect your privacy from Microsoft' are just nonsense. Yes, they stop a small amount of data from going out, but nothing can stop the wholesale theft of your info by Microsoft - it takes place far too deep inside the Win10 OS.
Why do you suppose it is that the disk access light on WIN10 desktop machines NEVER stops blinking from the instant you first boot WIN10?
This software is out of date.
The UI needs updating
The firewall list needs to be searchable
Options are needed to find the source file or app that is calling home.
There needs to be a better block on the block a call home (e.g. "for this session," i.e. remove firewall entry on power down to allow installation of software and then block)
The ability to block by application I.e. "Click to Run" has about 10 separate calls to MS and each one must be blocked.
Overall it is more cumbersome than MS Defender. And, if you are willing to take the time to check each call home, it is superior in many ways to defender.
If there is a better alternative to this, I.e. a better UI more tools and better firewall I would switch. But I still use it with it's defects.
There is more but it
В общем, никаких достоинств по сравнению с фаерволом винды + Windows Firewall Control нет.
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