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Wise Driver Care Pro 2.1.7 был доступен бесплатно 14 августа 2017 г.
Wise Driver Care Pro просканирует систему и произведет загрузку новых и стабильных версий недостающих, устаревших или поврежденных драйверов с последующей их установкой. Программа также может производить их резервное копирование и восстановление.
Вкратце, Wise Driver Care поможет увеличить производительность и оптимизировать систему вашего ПК, а также улучшить его совместимость и повысить стабильность.
NB: Лицензия предоставляется на 6 месяцев с поддержкой обновлений.
Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8/ 10 (x32/x64)
11.9 MB
Wise Care 365 PRO ускоряет и защищает ПК, помогая ему поддерживать максимальную производительность.
Скрывайте личные файлы, фото, видео и другую персональную информацию на компьютере.
Поможет найти и удалить дубликаты файлов, ориентируюясь на их название, размер файла и содержание. Избавьтесь от надоевших дубликатов и освободите пространство на жестком диске вашего ПК.
Простая в использовании программа, которая конвертирует все форматы видео всего в один клик или с помощью перетаскивания. С Wise Video Converter вы можете легко переключаться между вашими девайсами.
Recently this came together with Wise Care itself as a GOATD, with no limitations, and there is one word of warning. After running Wise Driver Care you have to reboot, and doing this will mess up completely your desk top. The resolution will be changed and icons will be scattered all over the place. You will have to redo your resolution, so make a note of what it is first, and to re-arrange your icons. This causes a lot of once-only trouble but is a small price to pay for an excellent programme for which I make no criticism.
I am surprised though that here the driver care is offered alone with limitations while previously it came with Wise Care and without limitations.
How many times do I have to "verify" this abominable catchka or whatever for one entry?
Did I read this right, it will only work for 6 months? If so, what is the point, this isn't a giveaway, just a long trial period, nothing free when you can't use it in 180 days. Sad, looks like they pulled one over on this website. Free means free, not "here take this, but we are going to take it back later, sorry"
"Program stopped working" error when trying to install with Avast active. However there is a message that the program was activated successfully. This is misleading. Program installed without problem when Avast was deactivated.
PC Checkup: updatable drivers mentions 3 drivers defined as "installed". Special software has been installed, but which one ? Zero info about this. Driver residue: 540 MB for graphics driver, but only one option: delete. Delete what ??? So this first part (PC checkup) was useless in my case. Part 2: rescue center: allows only to backup a few drivers (only graphics, audio, ethernet and monitor). That' s all. What about other drivers ???
Part 3: hardware detection: very limited. Lot of free softwares give much more and more detailed info. Part 4: toolkit: only 3 items: sound: no sound error, but if I click on the item, the program does a repair of the non existing problem!!!. Network failure (just used the network to download this program): again repairing a non existing problem... And finally, support Center: "do you have any questions or suggestions..." Again useless, useless and useless!
I frequently use Wise care 365 to my entire satisfaction, but I didn't find a single tool in Wise Driver that helped me "to increase and improve my systems compatibility and stability". Sorry for passing this one, but thanks to GOTD and Wise for the offering.
GOTD stopped using their installation wrapper yesterday and the day before yesterday, so there were no installation issues in those two days.
Today they use the installation wrapper again and the installation issues have returned.
Ok commented on FB but that was a waste of time so same comment here. Downloaded as per instructions (4 Times), tried each time to setup again as per instructions in readme file. each time I receive the Wise Driver Care Pro 2.1.7 activated — what next?
And still no sign of software actually installing on my Win 7 laptop.
Enough is enough giving this a miss, thanks for your (non existing help GOTD)....
В течении двух часов нет возможности подключения для активации установки программы.
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Driver Max -пока еще доходит! -зачем 2 програмы -драйвера -это очень серьезно! Нехочется переустанавливать винду!!
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