Каждый день мы раздаем лицензионные программы БЕСПЛАТНО!
Windows Explorer Tracker 2.0 был доступен бесплатно 15 мая 2018 г.
Windows Explorer Tracker создан для автоматического слежения/мониторинга и записи действий в Windows Explorer.
Обратите внимание: Данная версия программы предоставляется для 1 ПК (пожизненная лицензия без обновлений). Перейдите по ссылке для получения значительной скидки на другие лицензии с Пожизненными обновлениями в день акции!
Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8/ 8.1/ 10 (x32/x64)
5.70 MB
Мощный служебный инструмент для Windows. Поиск дубликатов файлов и занимающих много места ресурсов, дополнительной информации о недавно использованных ресурсах, мониторинг активности Windows, выполнение пакетных операций с несколькими ресурсами и синхронизация.
Приложение PDF to X используется для преобразования PDF документов в Word (.doc) /WordPad (.rtf), в веб страницы HTML, в изображения в форматах JPG/ PNG/ BMP/ TIF/ GIF/ PCX/ TGA и в простые текстовые файлы в пакетном режиме.
Программа напоминает, когда следует приостановить работу во избежание получения травм от перенапряжения. В зависимости от вашего режима работы за компьютером, программа предложит в нужное время сделать разминку, пятиминутный перерыв, упражнение для глаз, прогулку. Все настройки можно регулировать.
Многофункциональный калькулятор времени и дат, который покажет нужный день, количество дней между двумя датами и количество дней от определенной даты.
I was puzzled by what this actually DOES, so I checked on Softpedia (as suggested by #2) They say:
Windows Explorer Tracker is a utility designed to record the activity on all drives along with the dates and names of the completed actions.
It records everything neatly
Regardless of whether you create, rename, insert a new file or delete a certain folder accidentally, you can find all the information related to it within the program's history log. In addition to tracking the action, the app also records the date and time it was finished.
Consequentially, there would not be any shadow of a doubt regarding who made modifications and what operations were carried out. This applies to your local drives, LAN and other remote storage devices mapped.
A noteworthy feature is that the utility allows you to specify a certain time frame for recording.
Hope that makes it clearer for anyone else who couldn't understand the purpose of this.
"Please note: Single License (1 PC) (Lifetime License WITHOUT Upgrades) is included in this version"
THANK YOU, TriSun for including that specific information! I have asked GOTD to make that information mandatory to avoid people having to ask every time it is not stated.
That said, I had to make this post just to acknowledge the above but I won't be downloading this as I don't really see a need for it on my personal laptop. However, thanks for the offer to both TriSun and the GOTD team.
Dl'd/installed/registered w/o issues.Nifty little program if one needs to track just where a foobar may have occurred. Two things I would seriously recommend though:
1) Block it from outgoing in your firewall! If you don't, there is all your data (passwords, etc) for anyone to find-easily! A hacker would have all their digging done for them!
2) Purge your history frequently, or your hard drive will fill pretty quickly with a massive history file!
Other than these two things, it is definitely a keeper. Tanx gotd. Good one for a change.
Well, I wasn't really sure what this is all about until reading the third party Softpedia review on their home page. Looks like a potentially useful little utility.
Easy download and register. Straightforward app. And....lifetime license!
Thanks GOTD
Velvet, there is a time when your little mouse betray you when you try to drag some folder/files and then it accidentally release on somewhere you don`t know
This utility looks like it may be useful for a business to be able to monitor workers' activity. I can't see the benefit for home users to know exactly which files or folders were opened and when. Can anyone shed light on this, please?
Круть! Вот только...
Please note that the software you download and install during the Giveaway period comes with the following important limitations:
Strictly personal usage.
И зачем такая крутая штука для "personal usage"? Пусть даже и бесплатно.
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