Каждый день мы раздаем лицензионные программы БЕСПЛАТНО!
Vectorian Giotto 2.3.1 был доступен бесплатно 9 января 2011 г.
Vectorian Giotto это простая, но мощная программа для создания Flash анимации. В программу входит более чем 50 эффектов, которые можно применить как к формам, так и к тексту. Более 100 пресетов эффектов демонстрируют различные способы наложения эффектов и как эти эффекты смотрятся.
Работая с Giotto пользователи смогут просто расслабиться и дать волю воображению, создавая flash шедевры из графики и музыки. В Giotto входят более 50 шаблонов Flash баннеров. Интуитивный и понятный интерфейс поможет пользователю любого уровня сразу же начать работу по созданию Flash баннеров, интро, заголовков, индикаторов загрузки и т.д.
A medium-powered PC computer with a keyboard and a mouse. And a bit of creativity.
8.77 MB
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Go to their website, click Support on the top right. Scroll down a little and you will see Quick Start Guide link and a Tutorials link on the right side.
GOTD is presenting re-runs for the next few days, for the benefit of visitors who had previously missed out on them.
See the Admin's blog:
For those who picked this up as an earlier GOTD, the program file [vectoriangiotto.exe] in today's Vectorian Giotto is newer, though versions are the same -- all other files are identical per Microsoft's Windiff. For those who didn't grab it, Vectorian Giotto is a cheaper [albeit much more limited] alternative to Adobe's Flash creation software [MSRP $699] -- Google/Bing & you'll find many others, including a couple I've heard of: KoolMoves http://goo.gl/Iu7sl & Swish http://goo.gl/LKNY ... here's a listing of open source flash projects/apps: http://goo.gl/Frtvi
Flash like other 2D animation software uses vector graphics -- it was originally developed as an alternative to bulky raster images [e.g. animated GIFs] that were slow downloads via dial-up access. Vector graphics are coordinate based like text, so 1 small file can be displayed &/or printed at any size, but [for many people, myself included] they're more difficult to use [Wikipedia http://goo.gl/71A8]. In Vectorian Giotto you have the line, pencil, and brush [the latter 2 are freehand tools] for creating images rather than a complete tool set, & I didn't see a way to import files from more complete vector graphics apps like Illustrator, CorelDraw!, Inkscape etc. And while it talks about movies, it means Flash animations -- not video. In a nutshell Vectorian Giotto is more suitable for shape & text animations in Flash banners, though using Actionscript 2 you can certainly do more with it. And it is easier than Adobe's app, especially when you're 1st getting started because of 2 things IMHO -- 1) there's fewer features/tools to fill the program's window, & 2) since the early 90's Adobe has designed their software for Adobe users first & foremost, as a marketing gimmick [you develop a skill-set just in using Adobe software, making you hesitant to switch brands (that skill-set would become useless), & it keeps *just anyone* from becoming your competition (e.g. Adobe no longer creates Help files)].
Installing Vectorian Giotto mainly impacts Windows registry where in XP Pro I recorded 3k+ new registry entries -- that's not however as bad as it sounds, since most all of those are in a single Vectorian key [HKCU\ Software\ Vectorian] -- should you decide to uninstall the app just make sure that key's deleted & you've gotten rid of most everything added to the registry... I also got 6 file-type association keys, plus a key for uninstall. Other than Start Menu shortcuts everything resides in the "Vectorian Inc" folder, which takes up ~99 MB with 185 files, 12 folders. The non-included manual can be downloaded here: http://goo.gl/VwXev . Starting the app un-registered you're given a screen to register or continue the trial, so if you updated a prior install & don't get that screen I wouldn't expect any problems.
This is the same version (2.3.1) as was shared here a few months ago.
Have you updated anything since then?
BTW. I do think it's pretty good program from a web developer point
of view.
Класс! ***** Спасибо большое и разрабам и любимому сайту! Очень нравиться и цену можна "потянуть".
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