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Smarty Uninstaller 4.8 был доступен бесплатно 16 февраля 2018 г.
Smarty Uninstaller позволяет вам полностью удалить приложения, установленные в вашей системе.
Специальный механизм сканирования найдет и удалит все следы приложения.
Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8/ 10
30.8 MB
Was going to give this a try. WANTED to give this a try. Have been using Revo for years, the free version anyway and am totally happy with it except for one thing. Free Revo only works with 32 bit programs. I saw that this will work with both 32 and 64 bit so thought I would give it a shot. BUT, just try to find out something about this company. Endless loops back to itself at every turn. No address, nothing. Can't find out anything about them from Google/Bing either. This gives me great pause I must say. So, passing on this due to a very serious lack of transparency. Too bad.
indianacarnie, Revo Uninstaller Free has supported 64-bit since v.2.0 (August 04, 2016).
From Revo's website: "Revo Uninstaller Free is fully compatible with 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 and Windows Server".
What does it do more than Revo Uninstaller? which is free for personal use
David, it has a few advantages over the free version of Revo. It has an installation monitor if you wish to use it. It keeps a history of uninstalls that it does. The above description claims it can "Move applications without reinstalling", but if it has such a function it is too well hidden for me to find it. But its main advantages are its "Advanced Details" option, and its list of "Broken" uninstallers where it gives you the option of "Select valid path" for the uninstaller. I haven't thoroughly checked my "Broken" list yet, but I know it has listed some of them correctly. There are others that I am pretty sure are ok, but won't know until I try to uninstall. Revo will only tell you about a "broken" uninstaller after you commence to uninstall and it creates a system restore point. Don't get me wrong, I like Revo but I can see where this may be better in some respects.
I have tried to install it but keep getting an executing error when tring to run setup.exe
Steve Edmeades,
Same here - "access violation at address 0040389A in module "setup.exe". Read of address 87038080.
Windows 10, anti-virus disabled. Same violation on both desktop and laptop.
Программа не устанавливается. Файл setup.exe невозможно запустить - каждый раз выскакивает сообщение об ошибке.
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у меня работает windows 7 - 64. установилась сразу активированной интерфейс нормальный но не понравилось что сразу в автозагрузку полезла и не нашел во вкладках как это отменить. а так тоже пользуюсь очень давно Reg Organizer она во всем устраивает.
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Не могу установить,антивирус отключен.Выдает ошибку.Перекачал архив-не помогло.
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Презентация программы сделана на хорошем русском. Очень понравилась. Вы определённо делаете успехи. Поздравляю! Программу не знаю. Дома использую Reg Organizer, в работе и критических ситуациях-Total Uninstall.
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