Каждый день мы раздаем лицензионные программы БЕСПЛАТНО!
Secure Evidence Scrubber 1.1 был доступен бесплатно 22 марта 2009 г.
Всего одним кликом мыши Secure Evidence Scrubber очистит кэш, cookies, историю, посещенные URL, автозаполняемую память, index.dat файлы с ваших браузеров и папки Windows temp, а также историю ваших поисковых запросов и открытых страниц. Программа также умеет очищать историю других различных приложений.
Уничтожайте все следы работы и защищайте свою конфиденциальную информацию. Уничтожение всех ненужных и устаревших данных, очищение некорректных ключей реестра позволят вашей системе работать быстрее, а также помогут избежать многих ошибок жесткого диска.
PC compatible Pentium processor or faster system; Windows XP/2003/Vista; 128 Mb RAM or higher
1.30 MB
Magical File Shield это мощный инструмент для защиты ваших файлов, который использует алгоритмы шифрования, сертифицированные государством. Программа надежно защитит ваши файлы от нежелательных пользователей и любопытных глаз.
Magical File Encrypt это мощный инструмент для защиты ваших файлов путем шифрования. Файлы шифруются таким образом, что их невозможно ни прочитать, ни открыть, пока их не расшифруют. Только правильный пароль откроет файл. Даже если какой-то человек получит доступ к вашим файлам, ему не удастся ничего с ними сделать без пароля.
After the feedback we got from the previous release on this site, we have tried to implement most of those changes, thanks for those feedbacks.
And to people who compare it with CCleaner(which is no doubt very good indeed) or others without using Secure Evidence Scrubber, first try Secure Evidence Scrubber brother, it has more functions than CCleaner.
And i pray, please keep posting on what more features or changes will make it better.
Ibrahim A.
After reading the sales pitch on the programs' website - it reminds me of something I'd expect to hear on a late night TV advertorial or a sketch or parody on Saturday Night Live...
Removal of unwanted, obselete data and invalid registry items will enhance the performance of the system.
It will also make your system less prone to crashes and hard drive failures.
OK - back to reality. The program will not save your Job, Family or even your car. If you do the wrong thing on the internet - there is a audit trail leading to your house or office desk long before you even see the results your downloads or online transgressions. Many employers pass all internet traffic through a central point and there are detailed records (and reports) of internet access - showing what, when and who.
Now you feel like you can save your JOB, PROPERTY, FAMILY, CAR and Dignity.... well if you did something wrong and someone wants to investigate it - wiping your hard drive - or even setting fire to your PC probably won't clear your name.... (isn't that a reassuring feeling?).
Even better - go grab CCleaner - something that does EVERYTHING that "Secure Evidence Scrubber" does and more. (Although CCleaner doesn't claim that it will keep you out of prison, keep you employed, or make your wife/mistress love you more than they did before they discovered your browsing history).
For the simple user who just wants to do a quick clean - you just click the "Run Cleaner" button.
But CCleaner has:
* Secure File Deletion
* Secure Drive Wiper
* Erase Custom Files and Folders
* Delete Selected Cookies - (Secure Evidence Scrubber will only remove ALL your cookies - so your "remember logins" for your favorite sites etc or other preferences are lost. This is a major thumbs down not only with Secure Evidence Scrubber - but lots of disk cleaners - who cannot be selective in what should be retained.
* And CCleaner supports a LOT more applications than Secure Evidence Scrubber. Just Read the Instructions on how to add or extend "winapp2.ini" to your CCleaner to take advantage of the extensive list of third party applications - or how to add your own.
* To top it all off - if ccleaner doesn't do everything you need - you can call other programs or your own vbscripts to do whatever you choose during the clean.
* CCleaner is available as a portable version that can run from a USB Memory drive - so it can be available to any computer you are sitting at (maybe in an internet cafe)
* And with every purchase of CCleaner - oh... I'm sorry. CCleaner is completely free of charge.
CCleaner (gasp) Documentation.
To Download, I recommend the Portable (USB Key) or Slim Builds
Also See:
A simple free alternative that's been mentioned, alot.
CCleaner: http://www.ccleaner.com/
My preferred choice.
As usual, a word of warning with reg. cleaners, double check what the program wants to delete, and make a backup.
There are nice freewares available with more features. See below
1. Advanced System Care
2. Glary Utilites
3. Comodo System Cleaner: Read Comodo System Cleaner Review
- Easy and smooth installation.
- Easy registration via .key file.
- User friendly and easy to understand Button based menu
- Very informative and defining categories regarding browsers and Internet applications
- Nice:One button cleaup
- Dangerous: It doesn't scan and present any reports before doing any cleanup, i.e on clicking "Scrub Now" it will start removing data.
- Un-Professional: A status bar is present behind the window showing Scrub status which half visible and half hidden behind Status window. Looks like the programmer forget to cleanup / give final finishing touch to this application.
- Un-Professional: Tried to add in windows startup without confirmation.
Rating: Average
Have you tried CCleaner? A free and excellent application which first analyze, present a report to user and give the user options to include/exclude/Customize files in cleanup process
Алексей, если Вас напрягает отсутствие русской локализации, скачайте себе аналог Secure Evidence Scrubber - Ccleaner с www.ccleaner.com . Она делает то же самое, но при этом
1)является бесплатной (поэтому нет оснований считать эту мою реплику коммерческой рекламой)
2) русифицирована.
Через английский Вам надо будет продраться лишь в процессе скачивания с сайта.
А вообще, Алексей, "язык английский поскорей учите, не то всю жизнь как рыба промолчите". Куда ж в интернет без английского, хотя бы на школьном уровне. Вот и здесь нередко бывают довольно интересные программы, но, к сожалению, очень часто нерусифицированные.
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