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Quicksys RegCleaner 2009 Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — Quicksys RegCleaner 2009

Quicksys RegCleaner 2009 сканирует реестр Windows и удаляет неверную и ненужную информацию.
$24.95 EXPIRED
Рейтинг: 569 2 комментария

Quicksys RegCleaner 2009 был доступен бесплатно 27 февраля 2009 г.

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Quicksys RegCleaner 2009 сканирует реестр Windows и удаляет неверную и ненужную информацию. Вы сможете безопасно почистить и оптимизировать работу реестра, устраняя лишние файлы. Ваша система станет более стабильной и будет работать быстрее. Quicksys RegCleaner 2009 был специально разработан как для новичков, так и для продвинутых пользователей.

Системные требования:

Pentium 500MHz or better; RAM Operating system + minimum 100 MB; Free hard disk space 10 MB recommended; Windows Vista, Windows XP (Home and Pro), Windows Server 2003 - 32 bits


BMSoftware Informática LTDA

Официальный сайт:


Размер файла:

1.41 MB



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Developed by Informer Technologies, Inc.
Developed by IObit
Developed by Garmin Ltd or its subsidiaries
Developed by Disc Soft Ltd.


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Отличная програма! Закачал, установил, просканил-и получил 43 ошибки,с полным описанием что,где и как, хотя до этого пользовался бесплатным Commodo Registry Cleaner,который не хотел замечать явного.
В общем Commodo-до свидания! Спасибо GOTD за отличный подарок!

Ответить   |   Анатолий  –  15 years ago  –  Комментарий оказался полезным? да | нет (0)

Эта программа убила WinServer 2003

Ответить   |   Григорий  –  15 years ago  –  Комментарий оказался полезным? да | нет (0)
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Top English comments

There is bound to be many people who are going to come here and post something to the effect of "be careful with registry cleaners" or "don't use registry cleaners", etc. The people who say that are right to caution others about registry cleaners because one wrong move by the software and well, it won't be pretty for you.

However, me personally, I have never been against registry because my experience has always been a positive one. That being said, I only trust time tested software used by many people to handle my registry work. Nothing personal against BMSoftware, Quicksys RegCleaner, or their programming skills but when it comes to a program that concerns the stability of my system, I would rather not use a relatively unknown product when there are time tested free alternatives:

TuneUp Utilities 2007
WinOptimizer 5
Desktop Maestro 2
Advanced SystemCare Free
Glary Utilies Free

All five of these software are good and I have had personal experience using TuneUp and Advanced SystemCare. Desktop Maestro 2 has the award winning Registry Mechanic built in. My suggestion is to just chose one of these 5 to use - in my opinion TuneUp is the best.

Ashraf  –  15 years ago  –  Комментарий оказался полезным? да | нет (+212)

To the users who claim that program X is better than program Y because X is capable of deleting a larger chunk of keys from the registry obviously don't really understand how these things work.

For any program to identify something as an error relies entirely on the rules the developer has defined - as to what constitutes an error, unnecessary or incorrect etc (whether it is an unnecessary registry key, or what an antivirus program considers is a suspected virus). Of course with these programs a "mistake" is either known as a "bug" or a "system rebuild/restore" depending if you are the programmer or the user.

Going by the logic that X is better than Y because X finds more errors - then to develop the best registry "cleaner" in history - all you need to do is to write a program that deletes the entire registry... ;)

I suggest - if you must delete from your registry (I hesitate to use the term "clean"), take advantage of the options in this program to automatically create a system restore point - and backup the deleted registry keys (bonus points for providing this option - surprisingly some of these programs do not). Start using a cleaner with the most conservative settings possible.

If you have no idea what the output from the "scan" shows - or what it might affect - make of that what you will. Taking a blind stab at a program like this, when you aren't even sure what the problem is or what might be causing your misery - is a risk.

The errors it will find aren't necessarily "errors" - only keys and their values that do not follow the general standard usage. Of course programmers sometimes do things in a unique or non-standard way. They place information in non-standard places (sometimes to obfuscate info they don't want easily discovered). Registry "cleaners" can pick up these non-standard uses of data and locations as errors - and suggest that the data be deleted. The impact will probably not be noticed until the next time you try to run a program and find it is no longer registered, or will not start (or even more obscure, like not printing or embedding a watermark on the output).

Probably the most important things to remember - Registry tools are great for "Fixing Windows until it breaks".

Treat them with the respect (or contempt) that they deserve - and recognise not every problem can be fixed by deleting a heap of data from your registry. (When the only tool you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail).

BuBBy  –  15 years ago  –  Комментарий оказался полезным? да | нет (+70)

I'd like to know how a little known company is going to get its product recognised as a good one if most community members are unwilling to try the software. It's easy enough to protect yourself by taking a restore point and/or a backup via the program itself before you run the program, then you can see if the program does what it says.

I would have thought Ashraf of all people (I respect most of your reviews) would see this side of the coin instead of saying blatantly that they wouldn't be trying the software. Okay I know there are lots of free alternatives, but hey, lets see if this one holds its own instead of writing it off.

You've got a lot of followers Ashraf, so you should be careful what you say.

I ran this program on a relatively new install and then checked all my programs all worked with no loss of functionality. You can create a backup from the main application page, which can be found below the Scan Registry button. Unfortunately the program doesn’t automatically create backups, which would have been nice, or at least the ability to turn on auto backup procedures. You can also create restore points directly from the application which saves you having to go into the start menu to create one before you start a scan (it’s always highly recommended that you create a restore point before you do any registry scan so that if a problem does arise you can revert back to before you deleted the orphan and other registry keys that were deemed unnecessary).

I found that the back up I’d create didn’t show when I went to check it, instead I received an error message; however, when I turned off the program then rebooted it, the back ups I’d made were present. (I think this is another area that should be fixed – so that you can see a backup has been made without having to reboot the program)

You can set the scanner to do a quick scan, a full scan which they say is recommended or a custom scan which enables you to turn off specific areas of the scanner such as dlls or Active X programs (there’s at least 17 categories that you can toggle on or off). My first scan, (set to full scan) found nearly 700 faults and I only reinstalled windows two weeks ago. You can check through and toggle on or off all registry entries that are ready for deletion. It always pays to scan these as a further back up as it can often save the hassle of having to restore the deleted files.

From the settings menu you can set the program up to operate in several languages (Cestina, English, Italiano, Magyar, Brazilian Portugues, Portugues, and an Arabic language – no accents added),

Also from the settings window you can turn off automatic updates so as to top the accidental loss of your license. The registration details we get will also work with the downloadable demo from the developers home site ;)


Daisy Chain  –  15 years ago  –  Комментарий оказался полезным? да | нет (+56)

they claim to have more than 1 million users but only have one single award... suspicious.

A software house reputation and relatively long standing life and therefore experience is absolutely a MUST for programs that so intimately tinker with the innards of your computer OS.

This one seems very young. A quick whois search revealed the www.myquicksys.com web domain was registered LESS than ONE year ago on May 2008!!

jelpys-CHALLENGE.com  –  15 years ago  –  Комментарий оказался полезным? да | нет (+53)

Registry cleaners can be good, really good. My dad's computer was totally screwed up. One account had zero functionality. You cold click on programs and nothing would happen. It was like they'd run, but then stop. That account was useless and the whole computer took forever (and a day) to load. I ran Registry Mechanic on it and it was like a brand new machine. After doing the cleaning, the broken account worked perfectly and the machine loaded in flash. It was a like miracle! The cleaner had found around 500 errors. (should I put that in quotes?) Anyway, the can definitely be of use. If you system is all screwed up and you're getting frustrated, what have you got to lose? If things aren't better, just do a fresh reinstall of the OS.

Mario C  –  15 years ago  –  Комментарий оказался полезным? да | нет (+38)

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