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NANO Antivirus Pro был доступен бесплатно 30 июня 2023 г.
NANO Antivirus Pro — это эффективное и быстродействующее сертифицированное антивирусное решение, защищающее от любых видов вирусов, троянов, червей и других вредоносных программ, включая их зашифрованные и полиморфные разновидности.
Ключевые преимущества NANO Antivirus Pro:
- Высокий уровень защиты от всех распространенных типов угроз.
- Высокая производительность, эффективность, простота и удобство использования.
- Удобная схема лицензирования для защиты всех ваших устройств.
NANO Antivirus Pro прост в установке и использовании. Он готов защитить ваш ПК прямо из коробки без каких-либо дополнительных настроек. Но вы также можете использовать множество настроек, чтобы настроить антивирус под свои нужды.
NANO Antivirus Pro сертифицирован Intel, OPSWAT и рекомендован Microsoft. Продукт неоднократно награждался испытательной лабораторией VB100 за высочайшее качество.
Windows Server 2008 R2 or later (x32/x64)/ 7/ 8/ 8.1/ 10/ 11 ; Minimum requirements : Windows 7 and higher; CPU: 2 GHz or faster with SSE2 support; RAM: 2 Gb or more; Available hard disk space: no less than 3 Gb; Internet connection
9.97 MB
200 дней
I see no benefit of installing an unknown antivirus program when a FREE Microsoft Defender Antivirus is installed on this PC, while Nano Antivirus Pro, which is now being offered will probably be a payment version!
Amee Robertson, I'm with you, I see no point installing something with a 200 day license when there is plenty of permanently free antivirus software out there that does the same job, and probably better than this unheard of software.
Amee Robertson, In last few years Windows defender has rated in top 5. I still use Kaspersky as some malware with fast systems can't catch or react before it's too late, especially ransomware.
In order to be called antivirus, you need to know the virus and create net around it or remove it. However all anti virus software have no idea what the next virus will look like like or what it will do or under what name will surface, therefore, all antivirus software work after the fact (damage done). It is a false feeling of security, without knowing the virus first, therefore, all antivirus software work in the dark and promise to be first to find it and remove it, hence updates are done monthly, weekly or daily.
What you are saying is about 15 years out of date. Look up "heuristic analysis", especially as it applies to "zero-day vulnerability". One of many examples is the "Bitdefender B-HAVE" engine. Almost every popular AV has heuristics built-in these days.
"In order to be called antivirus, you need to know the virus and create net around it or remove it."
Waaaayyyy back when McAfee invented [or at least popularized] anti virus software, yeah, that was pretty much it. And that method is still used, e.g., Virus Total and published indicators of compromise -- cisa.gov/news-events/events/understanding-indicators-compromise-ir108
Often that's enough -- not every cyber criminal gang has or invests the resources to develop something like BlackLotus, or wants / needs to pay $5000 for a license. There's plenty of low hanging fruit.
That said, zero days -- exploits targeting vulnerabilities that are unknown -- do exist, though they *usually* are used against high value targets since they are expensive, and once someone finds it, it *usually* becomes ordinary malware. As Jason posted, security apps like Defender or the Bitdefender he mentions use heuristics to spot suspicious behavior, IT dept.s scan logs for their entire network to spot suspicious activity, and big companies like Microsoft & Google are working with AI to monitor networks.
Regarding NANO Antivirus Pro, a quick Google did not come up with any hits for the common AV test sites like AV-Test.org. That doesn't mean it's good or bad -- it just hasn't gone through their processes to get evaluated. Free AV software without nags may be hard to come by, so for many it will be worth a shot. You **may** also be able to hedge your bets a little bit -- Defender normally takes a back seat when 3rd party AV software is installed, but the Microsoft PC Mgr. Beta seems to wake it up to take a more active role. pcmanager-en.microsoft.com/
В былые времена, когда он ещё был бэттой, был 100% бесплатен для всех, можно было на фирму поставить. Антивирус тогда был средненький, систему грузил не сильно (сужу по ноутбуку с ХР). Сейчас став коммерческим продуктом, он вряд-ли вытянет против матёрых игроков, типа аваста/авг, норотона, комодо или битдефендера. и уж он точно сейчас не "нано" ни в размере, ни в ресурсах.
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