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Movienizer Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — Movienizer

Movienizer это программа для каталогизции фильмов с множеством функций.
$39.95 EXPIRED
Рейтинг: 270 5 комментариев

Movienizer был доступен бесплатно 7 сентября 2010 г.

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Самое простое в мире резервное копирование для защиты важных данных!

Movienizer это программа для каталогизции фильмов с множеством функций. Скачивайте всю подробную информацию о фильмах, такую как описание, кадры из фильма, список исполнителей ролей, номинации, награды и т.д. Присваивайте номера дискам и указывайте их местонахождение, чтобы вы всегда знали, где находятся ваши фильмы. Всегда знайте, кому вы одолжили помотреть фильмы, используя встроенный менеджер. Составляйте отчеты, каталоги и многое другое!

Системные требования:

Windows 2000/ XP/ Vista/ 7


Maniac Tools

Официальный сайт:


Размер файла:

11 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by TypingMaster Inc.
Developed by IBM
Developed by Kovid Goyal
Developed by Adobe Systems Incorporated


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А мне понравилась, поставил portable версию на флешку, активировал, всё работает как часы, база из AMM отлично перенеслась.
Для русского языка есть отдельная версия, котороя и стоит всего-то рублей триста с чем-то, а если брать пакетом, то цена опускается до двухсот.
Радует наличие именно портативной версии, побольше бы таких программ!

Ответить   |   HKane  –  14 years ago  –  Комментарий оказался полезным? да | нет (0)

Прога - "сырая", много глюков (например: в функции автонахождении файлов на диске, зависает и ищет очень долго!) и некоторые другие. Авторам надо поработать над улучшением конкретно.

Ответить   |   1  –  14 years ago  –  Комментарий оказался полезным? да | нет (0)

Программа в общем ничего, но не дотягивает до высокого уровня, за который можно бы заплатить деньги. Даже когда данная программа была бесплатной, я не смог воспользоваться ей по некоторым причинам (программа "зависала", "глючила"), хотя ее аналоги справлялись со всей моей базой на ура. Так что извините, но thumb down.

P.S. Некоторые глюки по прежнему остались в программе (например, не загружаются все картинки, кадры из фильмов, при перезагрузке обложки программа просто виснет, иногда приходится ее "убивать", иногда сама "развисает"). Так что необходимо над ней еще поработать!

Ответить   |   rittergluck  –  14 years ago  –  Комментарий оказался полезным? да | нет (0)

Скачал, поставил. Жалко русского языка нету.

Ответить   |   JJOHAN_DED  –  14 years ago  –  Комментарий оказался полезным? да | нет (0)

Наконец-то хоть кто-то файлам Миди уделил внимание! (Это я про МИДИ конверт Студию).

Ответить   |   tornado  –  14 years ago  –  Комментарий оказался полезным? да | нет (0)
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Top English comments

Thank you all for evaluating the software and for your comments!
You have added an idea: "Be able to print an alphabetical list of DVD movies". Well, Movienizer does it, doesn't it, and besides you can customize the output. See "Reports".
#1 Movienizer isn't "just a program" to pull contents from IMDB. It supports quite a number of online databases, and you can add movies manually. Downloading info is just an option.
#6 We communicated by email, you didn't provide any information about script that you used. Depending on the online database that you use, you may get different (or no) results on certain queries. More information is available in the help, but we are ready to answer your questions.
#7 How does it look like when it "doesn't seem to work"? If you mean playing movies, please note that Movienizer can play them both in the built-in and in any external video player. For the built-in player, system codecs are required (which means that Windows Media Player should be able to play the movie).
#11 Dune Player is a hardware high-definition player provided by HDI Dune. Movienizer can create good looking catalogs for the player using information from its database.
#13 Movienizer offers a number of features not available in the programs mentioned by you.

Movienizer  –  14 years ago  –  Комментарий оказался полезным? да | нет (+62)

This is a nice program for everyone with a movie collection. It has a neat, clear GUI with all sorts of info fields about a movie (language, actors, length, medium, infotext, rating, comment etc.). Downloading information by only enetering the title is fast, and after that one add more infos, if that isn't enough there is the option to define custom fields.
I traced the install and found it doesn't add anything to the registry.
So maybe it can even be made portable.
Very pratical tool to organize a bigger collection, you can even enter where you store the movie (shelf, rack etc.).
Thanks GAOT and Maniac Tools.

I would wish something similar for a music CD collection.

Also, I feel like want to vent today...

To #4 aMpaM
Thats why the rating system is messed up and everyone else is wondering why 1 minute after 9 there are already so many thumbs down.
Obviously you (and others of this kind) do not understand the point of this site. Of course it is impossible to offer every day something that suits everyones prefernces. You need to think beyond your nose and see that beside you there are still 6 billion other people on this planet. There is something here for eveyone, but that cannot be every day. This purpose of the rating system is NOT to thimbs down if someone cannot use it - and also certainly for useless posts like "I have no use for it" - because - hey, who cares if you can't use it?? Does not interest anyone in the world. The purpose for the razing and the comments is for people ONLY who download install AND USE it and THEN, based on that, CAN judge about things like user friendliness, smooth run, interface, maybe bugs and so on. Nobody who actually uses it is able to judge anything.
For example, I don't have any use for a mercedes as I don't have a driver license - but it would be stuoid now if I would rate the mercedes industry with thumbs down, wouldn't it? So. Thats the same thing.
I don't have any use for screen savers too but would never rate negatively about i.e. yesterdays giveaway. How could ? I haven't used it, so I can't judge. And my taste and preferences are not the center point of the world. There are others who love it and have use for it.
So, if you can't use, then step away on that day and be quiet, keeping your thoughts for yourself. Come back next day and maybe 2 or 5 times a month you find something that you have use for.
With other words, just because you have no use for today's software, it is no reasonable base for rating with thumbs down.

To #3 D and #8 gem:
Thats why always many thumbs down - thats mostly from people who don't know what they do, just because they themselves wanted something else. Its #3 thats shows the answer on this question.

Well, okay, end of venting. Had to say this today ;-)

Sabine  –  14 years ago  –  Комментарий оказался полезным? да | нет (+55)

Basically, this is just a database which pulls some content from IMDB. It's still a reasonable piece of software, but only if you have a huge number of movies. You probably won't need it.

$40 is probably wishful thinking when it comes to price, but I wouldn't recommend this software unless you're desperate to organise your movies.

JJ  –  14 years ago  –  Комментарий оказался полезным? да | нет (+43)

It has problems. It said it could import my movie collection from EMDB but everytime I tried it kept coming up with error code 10. It also would not put up any info for a simple movie "Trading Places" said it could not find any info for that yet EMDB was able to find info including the cover on at least 3 different internet movie databases, including IMDB. It also does not have a built in un-installer, had to use WinUlities to un-install.

Free Alternative: EMDB

afawley  –  14 years ago  –  Комментарий оказался полезным? да | нет (+39)

#14 It looks like there may be a problem with permissions. Please check your Data Execution Prevention settings and make sure that the program isn't partially blocked by your security software.

#17 There is too much to mention about differences with EMDB, for example:
1) EMDB works exclusively with IMDB. Movienizer supports over 30 online movie databases in more than 10 languages. This includes support for less known anime series (not available on IMDB) and so on.
2) Movienizer supports information about people: biography, filmography, photos etc. You can navigate back and forth from movies to people and back to movies quite naturally, discovering new interesting movies or actors.
3) With Movienizer, you can control how much information you download and what information exactly. Want to download 3 posters, 2 covers and 9 shots from the movie? Just specify it in your settings. Fun stuff, trivia, complete cast? More descriptions? Awards? Everything can be downloaded.
4) Customizable reports will allow you to print the information you need.
5) Various filters and search options turn Movienizer into a powerful tool to explore a movie collection. You can build reports based on filtered list or on search results.
6) Movienizer can be easily extended with custom scripts and plugins.
7) Better support for TV series.
... and so on :)

Thank you for your comments and for giving the program a try!

Movienizer  –  14 years ago  –  Комментарий оказался полезным? да | нет (+37)

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