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Macrorit Disk Partition Wiper Unlimited 1.7 был доступен бесплатно 5 марта 2015 г.
Если вы хотите удалить данные с жесткого диска, форматирования или простого удаления недостаточно для защиты личных данных или корпоративных документов от восстановления. Вам нужен профессиональный инструмент для очистки диска, который полностью сотрет все данные диска или раздела. Macrorit Disk Partition Wiper - это новая программа, которая поможет вам полностью очистить диск.
Мощные алгоритмы программы Macrorit Disk Partition Wiper обеспечивают простое в использовании решение для полного уничтожения данных без возможности восстановления.
Если вы желаете скачать портативную версию, пожалуйста, перейдите по ссылке (file size: 13 МБ).
Windows Server 2003/ 2008/ 2012/ XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8/ 8.1 (x32/x64)
12.2 MB
If you use this rather expensive one trick pony or any other software that erases your data, do yourself a favour, test how successful it has been was a good recovery program.
After using a well-known and free program to erase the free space on a drive found it possible to recover data from this area.
There are two possible reasons for this, misuse of the erase program or the program itself, testing afterwards is a good means of added security.
This was using a much older version of Eraser available at SourceForge, it gets a good name hence I stated possible misuse of the program.
Cannot see how it was misused as it is simple enough and so cannot explain why the erase did not work, however it made me realise how important it is test after using a program of this type.
Installed and registered without problems on a Win 8.1.3 Pro 64 bit system. A clean install.
A (Canadian?) company without name and address:
"Founded in the end of 2012, the challenging year, M.W.Payne, the enthusiastic programmer, led a creative and responsible research & test team to spare no efforts to research brand-new and unique disk partition software which with guaranteed data security"
We had a previous version Macrorit Disk Partition Wiper Unlimited on January 20, 2014. Here are the old reviews:
New should be:
New! Wipe unallocated space with fast wiping algorithm.
New! Built in brand-new Macrorit algorithm for fast wipe NTFS partition.
and among the good news:
New! Upgraded to the famous Windows 8 / Office 2013 user interface.
New! Bugs fixed in previous version.
Bugs fixed! That's a great message.
If I ever should enter again the software development business, I will program "Wipers". A fantastic product!
"The DISK PARTITION WIPER uses a storage-overwriting process to overwrite the sectors on the device. The storage-overwriting process complies with United States government requirements for deleting sensitive user data, including US Department of Defense Directive 5220.22-M and NIST Special Publication 800-88."
You have to believe. You cannot control the result. You cannot blame anybody, if your hard disk has not been wiped 7 times according to DoD 5220.28-STD.
After registration a simply interface opens. You select your disk or partition to wipe, you can choose (just to fill the window!) to fill withe zero or to fill with one's. You have even the choice to fill with zero's AND one's. Don't expect a more detailed comment on that...
I did not test it. Of course you can look at a dump with zero's...
If you really want to destroy an old hard disk, take a driller and drill some holes, and you have surely a welding torch in your toolbox. For all other needs a simple fill of the first hundred bytes with zero of each file will be sufficient.
A tool, which you should have on your computer. You'll need it sooner or later. If it really works as promised. Don't know...
...Finally, this is a program you can actually USE! I tested some other free programs out there, no program i encountered in the Windows world is capable of erasing blank drives without MBR, GPT or an assigned drive letter.
Hi, well. I clicked on the link you gave hosted on screencourier.com and got this:=
Sorry, Web Safe has blocked this site
This site has been blocked by Web Safe because it's listed as having malicious content. It could put your personal and financial information at risk or cause damage to your files.
Find out more about Web Safe Sign in to My Virgin Media to change your Web Safe settings
If you don’t think this page should have been blocked, let us know.
It could be Virgin have blocked it unjustly, but just thought I should let you know. (Mt broadband is with Virgin as you will no doubt gather).
Regards, Brian
Aomei partition assistant (freeware for personal and commercial use) beats today's giveaway and offers more tools.
"а вот многочасовой прогон для перезаписи поверхности — это насилие над механикой." В некоторых случаях он необходим для полного уничтожения конфиденциальной информации на диске. Чтобы обезглавленная информация не могла быть восстановлена теми, кому не положено обладать этой информацией.
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Willi, безупречно чистит от чего? Пыли, мусора и т.п.? Обезглавленная информация места не занимает и совершенно не мешает работе диска, а вот многочасовой прогон для перезаписи поверхности - это насилие над механикой. Это не имхо, это факт.
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36 бесплатных альтернатив: http://pcsupport.about.com/od/data-destruction/tp/free-file-shredder-software.htm
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File shredere - портативно, бесплатно, компактно, просто как бублик.
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Программы такого типа необходимы.Эту не знаю. Много лет использую бесплатную MiniTool Drive Wipe, которая безупречно чистит и диски и разделы. Вот здесь оригинал http://www.minitool-drivewipe.com/download.html
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Специфичная программа, вряд ли для большинства домашних юзеров нужна такая зачистка
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