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LeKuSoft DVD Ripper Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — LeKuSoft DVD Ripper

LeKuSoft DVD Ripper это лучшее решение для конвертации Blu ray и DVD дисков в разные аудио и видео форматы с высоким разрешением.
$42.99 EXPIRED
Рейтинг: 260 2 комментария

LeKuSoft DVD Ripper был доступен бесплатно 6 апреля 2010 г.

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LeKuSoft DVD Ripper это лучшее решение для конвертации Blu ray и DVD дисков в разные аудио и видео форматы с высоким разрешением.

Программа конертирует blu ray диски и обычные DVD диски в форматы FLV, MKV, AVI, SWF, MOV, iPod, iPhone, PSP, MP4, RM, WMV, ASF, 3GP, 3GPP2 и т.д. и извлекает аудиодорожки в форматы AAC, AC3, MP3, WAV, WMA, RA, M4A, OGG и т.д. С помощью LeKuSoft DVD Ripper вы сможете смотреть видео Blu-ray и DVD качества на обычных устройствахи превратить свой iPod, iPhone, PSP, Zune, Apple TV илидругое мультмедийное устройство в домашний кинотеатр. Вы сможете выбрать самые удачные для вас параметры видео и аудио и сохранятьтакие профили для будущего использования.

Системные требования:

Windows XP (SP2 or later), Vista, 7


Lekusoft NetWork Group

Официальный сайт:


Размер файла:

13.2 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

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Top English comments

I cannot test this software as it gives a 'Range Check Error' (whatever that might be) everytime I try to open a DVD.

Terry  –  14 years ago  –  Комментарий оказался полезным? да | нет (+79)

Out of 16 comments:

#2: "it gives a ‘Range Check Error’"
#4: "same problem ‘Range Check Error’"
#7: "ISO.dll error"
#12: "same problem ‘Range Check Error’"
#15: "getting the same “range check error” as everyone else"
#16: "just what i need"

There must be something wrong with this giveaway!

Zerebral Pony  –  14 years ago  –  Комментарий оказался полезным? да | нет (+30)

Frankly I'm surprised LeKuSoft DVD Ripper is listed as a version 5+ app.

Installation isn't bad -- most of the registry additions are because of the "actskin4.ocx" file it wants to put in your system folder. The interface isn't too bad -- IMHO it'd be OK with the sort of tweaking that comes from listening to user input/feedback. Actually using the software OTOH is anything but a positive experience.

In testing: LeKuSoft DVD Ripper will open both DVDs & Blu Ray ***discs*** -- not folders on your hard drive, nor IFO files, though both are listed. [That's where I got the Out of Range error others talk about] I wasn't impressed enough with the app to create an ISO simply to see if it worked. Chapters were all listed with checkboxes for a DVD [expand the profile dialog by clicking the arrow in the upper right to see the settings, & at the bottom there's an option to apply your profile to all chapters]. Blu Ray did not show any chapters.

Working with the profiles is a bit of a hassle -- some of the controls in that right hand panel have dropdown menus, but many don't. LeKuSoft DVD Ripper also set the frame rate to auto by default, meaning it can be variable in your rendered video -- IMHO not cool. At it's default H264/AVC profile settings, I got a fairly large framed [for a hand-held] video with a low bitrate [~600 Kbps], & loads of artifacts. Speed encoding from DVD was roughly realtime [i.e. 5 min video takes 5 min], using one core with a quad cpu.

Alternatives: SlySoft & DVDFab have products that help get DVD & Blu Ray discs on your hard drive. For working with Blu Ray, check out BDRebuilder, multiAVCHD, AVCHDCoder, or Clown_BD [all free]. Someone asked about a BD version of DVD Shrink [aka Nero Recode] -- Nope... you'll have to re-encode [transcode], & it can take a while [many talk about 5 - 10 hours in the forums (encoding HD frame sizes) at videohelp.com & doom9.org where you should head for info]. For DVDs there are many alternative apps at those 2 sites as well... If you run ATI graphics hardware I like A's Video converter, *if* your desired output format is supported. Nero's recode to Nero Digital is fast -- I've gotten flaky results from Roxio's version. I remain impressed with the WinX & Fast video converters.

mike  –  14 years ago  –  Комментарий оказался полезным? да | нет (+30)

Works fine on Windows 7 64 bit - very poorly designed interface though. I had to manually change format one track at a time and changing quality settings was not done through the settings menu, it was done through the advanced profiles menu.

Also there's no .mkv option, which IMHO makes it useless for ripping HD content. On the plus side, there's more options that many other programs lack such as ts and vob ripping. Not really anything else to make it stand out from the crowd though.

I'm going to stick with WinX DVD Ripper Platinum as it's faster and better all round.

Nukkels  –  14 years ago  –  Комментарий оказался полезным? да | нет (+29)

Epic Fail

Does not work with Windows 7 64 bit

Nick  –  14 years ago  –  Комментарий оказался полезным? да | нет (+28)

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