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Leader Task 6.6.2 был доступен бесплатно 8 октября 2009 г.
LeaderTask это деловой органайзер для современного человека. LeaderTask имеет удобную систему управления проектами, задачами, контактами и событиями.
Хотите успевать больше, уставать меньше и зарабатывать больше? Хотите улучшить качество жизни, уменьшить количество тяжелой работы и больше наслаждаться созерцанием? LeaderTask поможет вам! LeaderTask = планировщик заданий + Персональный информационный менеджер + Календарь + Адресная книга + Органайзер!
Ставьте цели и достигайте их. Наслаждайтесь временем, которое сэкономили. Работайте более эффективно, но тратьте меньше усилий с LeaderTask! Забудьте об обычных органайзерах. Они хороши, если вы живете только ради работы. Они просто незаменимы просто для планирования и напоминаний. Дайте себе пожить! Пришло время органайзеров нового поколения, которые эффективно планируют вашу работу и экономят ваше время. Проводите больше времени с семьей – используйте LeaderTask!
Этот органайзер поможет вам избавится от различных отвлекающих занятий, покажет вам перспективу задач и нужные дела так, что вы сразу сможете поставить себе цели и достичь их. Составляйте планы и придерживайтесь их. Думайте и находите решения. Измеряйте ресурсы своей жизни и управляйте ими.
Windows Me/2000/XP/2003 Server/Vista
4.97 MB
The Good
* Every 'feature' is integrated and connected with each other.
* Provides the ability to categorize and sort all tasks.
* Automatically creates backups everytime you exit of your currently loaded profile.
* 'Filter' feature allows you to view only specific tasks/entries.
* You can have multiple 'profiles'
* You can password protect each profile separately.
* Has the traditional features you expect of a PIM (reminders, priority status, calendar, etc.).
* Ability to import from Outlook and iCalendar format files and export to Outlook, CSV and TXT formats.
* You can sync with PDA (if you install
LeaderTask PDA Organizer on your WinMo phone).
The Bad
* Poor method of saving profiles.
* .ltb profile extension is not recognized by LeaderTask by default.
* No 'Undo' or 'Redo' feature.
* Does not come with a sound file to use for the remind feature.
Free Alternatives
For final verdict, recommendations, and full review please click here.
As usual, a long list of meaningless comments. This has been given away many times since at least November 24, 2007. Considering all of the revisions, the programming could be much better. Installs to your Documents folder (horrible). Some dates obey your system date format, some don't. The (crappy) Help is online, which even if it were good-quality, that would be a problem for GOTD users since our version probably won't upgrade. Local Help which matches the version of the program which you have is always much preferred (not to mention the better UI of decent local Help). Personally, I'm not fond of the UI. As for all of the "How does this compare to ...?" and "I compared this to ... and they're similar (or not)", download this and do a real comparison. There are so many features and details, that you can't do a quick comparison. This has some PIM features, some project management features, etc. People have very different needs. Some want simple to-do lists and calendars. Some want project management. Some want synchronization. If you're interested, just spend some time with it and see if suites your needs.
An open source software like Mozilla Thunderbird with lightning add-on will do this and more. Most important, it is freely available round the year!
The only difference I found in Leader Task is ability to create sub-tasks.
I have used LT for about a year now. I originally got it from GAoTD and then suffered a hard drive crash. I bought it straight out because I had grown so reliant on it for tracking all my tasks. I originally landed on it because I was looking for a way to create hierarchical tasks - something Outlook won't do. With LT it goes so much farther than that.
Want more, check out their website and go to support and community. There's an active online forum of users who share questions and solutions. We help each other with tips and tricks and propose new ideas for development. DO they listen? Hell yeah! The developers interact with users on the forum and individually point out the suggestions they have incorporated into the software. I would like to think that some of LT is the way it is because I helped make it that way.
Get this. If you lose it, buy it.
* Smooth download, installation, activation on Vista Home Premium x64 SP2 OS.
* Registration information shows up in "About" section of program.
* Simple, clear, pretty, easy-to-understand, easy-to-navigate GUI.
* Numerous features/options: calendar, to-do task list, etc.
* Numerous edit options for user to designate desired feature functions.
* Smooth, easy, intuitive program operation.
* Security option, to allow user to password-protect program access.
CONS: - Nothing significant to note at the moment.
SUMMARY: - Useful, feature-rich program, that operates smoothly and efficiently. A definite keeper for me. Thanks much, GOTD and Almeza.
Essential PIM - CNET User Rating is: 4/5.
Essential PIM Portable - CNET User Rating is: 4.5/5.
санберд - может и не конкурент, но за то бесплатный! за экономию 50 долларов, с каждого из 5 компьютеров, я могу контакты и вручную выставить... конкурентов так же надо учитывать. они - главные двигатели или погубители нашего "бизнес дела". тем более, что конкуренты "не спят", а в любой момент добавят управление контактами и так же бесплатно... лучше сделать товар и конкуретно способный и людям "по карману"... не будем забывать так же про хакеров...
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Санбирд - не конкурент, у него отсутствует управление контактами.
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Программа -хорошая, но 50 баксов за нее многовато... Тогда уж лучше Аутлук...
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Бесплатная альтернатива Sunbird http://www.mozilla.org/projects/calendar/. Скриншоты программы http://www.mozilla.org/projects/calendar/sunbird/screenshot.html . Страница для закачки русскоязычной версии http://www.mozilla.org/projects/calendar/sunbird/l10n_download.html. Удачи!
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ЗАмечательная программка. Пользуюсь ей вместо Аутлука уже давно.
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