Каждый день мы раздаем лицензионные программы БЕСПЛАТНО!
Fort Professional был доступен бесплатно 21 апреля 2018 г.
Fort Professional может шифровать отдельные файлы и каталоги, так что они могут быть безопасно добавлены в облачный сервис или аналогичное хранилище. Представьте, что вы храните секретные файлы или данные на своем ноутбуке. Что бы вы сделали если ваш ноутбук украли? Конечно же, вы не хотели бы, чтобы вашими данными кто-либо воспользовался.
Лицензия: Пожизненная.
Windows Vista/ 7/ 8/ 10 (x32/x64); NET Framework 4 or later; Languages: English, Finnish, Brazil, Chinese (simplified and traditional), Czech, Farsi(Persian), French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Korean, Polish, Russian
2.1 MB
The disadvantage of such software is that if it is lost then the encrypted files are forever lost as well.
For people wishing to encrypt information, I suggest using the free and open-source VeraCrypt : https://www.veracrypt.fr/en/Home.html
VeraCrypt is the improved and verified successor of TrueCrypt. For safety, avoid wholly encrypting the boot partition.
Harry, Not really true. The encryption part of the code is completely free and open source. So if Fort would disappear, it would be possible to use the open source code to replace Fort.
Anyway, Veracrypt is great software, but Fort is not trying to complete with it. Both software has a different purpose.
Thank you but how to get the portable version? Is the installed one already portable?
hussein, Portable version can be downloaded from the homepage, use the same license key.
If the computer it is installed on has a HDD crash, how do you recover anything encrypted etc.? This offer can only be installed within a 24hr timeframe, so would we have to buy the software for password etc. recovery?
For some reason after the installation my whole pc was weird.
When i clicked anything on the browser, it opened it in a new tab (whatever i clicked)
My keyboard wasnt able to write some letters such as W and C
The programm crashed a few times and repeatet the "passcode" thing multiple times and did not save my Passwords that i created in the Password tab.
After deinstallation, as you can see, everything works fine again. Dont know what its up to.
I would love to use it, any ideas it was just a damaged installation? should i retry?
Max, author here. No idea really, the software does absolutely nothing that could affect browser or typing letters. Passwords in the password manager are saved instantly, always.
When the software crashed what was the error message? Fort throws an error if it crashes. Fort has been tested by multiple companies which use it for daily bases and from what I know there are no problems. I'm really interested, possibly help you to solve the issues.
Ключ это 4 простых числа, разделенных точкой.
Пример: "" или ""
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При установке выдает - отказано в доступе . ?????
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AES в 2018г?
Разработчик, конечно же, из огранов,
неважно каких ... ))
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А если у меня Винда слетит, то как я потом файлы расшифрую?
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Станислав, Зачем тебе расшифровывать?
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а почему у меня win10 (версия 1803)не пропускает антивирус загрузку?
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Алекс, спасибо,у мня почему-то фаервол вообще в то время отказывался закачивать с сети ,но позже после обновления системы всё скачалось,спасибо за ответ
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