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Fantasy Garden Animated Wallpaper был доступен бесплатно 27 июля 2014 г.
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Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8
11.9 MB
Animated Wallpaper Maker это инструмент, который поможет вам добавить различные анимационные эффекты на ваш рабочий стол. В программу входит редактор, который позволяет добавлять анимацию к стандартным обоям Windows, а встроенный плеер заменяет статичный фон заставки на анимированный. Анимированные обои потребляют минимум системных ресурсов и их можно легко отключить или включить снова.
DP Animation Maker это мощная программа, которая позволит вам создавать анимированные обои, фоны и другой контент. С помощью множества инструментов данной программы вы сможете превратить любое изображение в профессиональное видео.
I really think GOTD should have TWO positions for "voting" rather than just the one, as it does not discriminate between those who have no use for such a programme (who would thus vote it down, as "Not useful to me" -- which is still useful feedback to the developers) and those who have TRIED it, and feel it is either good, or perhaps not very well put together, or has limited functions, for instance.
THAT would solve the problem of voting down what might be a really good programme -- for some people -- by those for whom it is pretty useless.
I haven't even voted on this, because I would like to make my vote for the fact that, to ME, it is of no interest. But as I don't know if it is a good, well-made programme, I can't possibly vote on that particular point. So, how about allowing us to give REAL feedback, GOTD? Surely it is in your interest, too??
downloaded and set up perfectly on my Dell N5050 4gig ram windows 8 laptop, this would be perfect for a child's computer or laptop, beautiful, clean smooth running desktop, DOSE put a fair amount of stress on the video card causing the cooling fan to run much more than it normally does, I am afraid of over heating my laptop the cooling fan has not slowed down since the instal,and will have to uninstall it
hi - COMPLETELY agree with comment 4. i think it must be really disheartening for developers who offer their work for free to see it get massively voted down when clearly it has not been d/l and tested. i am surprised they still offer stuff to us. for example we get loads of video converters offered. i've never used one and doubt i ever will, but i would not vote it down for that reason - some others do.
please lets have a way of offering some feedback as suggested by comment 4. well done - great comment.
Installed and registered without problems on a Win 8.1 Pro 64 bit system.
A (French?) company without name and address, specializing on wallpapers.
Why not? There is a market for wallpapers and some people seems to love it. Especially children. This is an animated wallpaper for the young lady.
Here is an animated fairy land where a tree is really a clock. Its twisted trunk looks like Merlin’s robes. The branches may or may not be a tree house. That may be a cuddly white dog or maybe it’s a tiny white pony. Watch where you step, and always keep a good look over your shoulder.
The description is the best part of the wallpaper. Sorry, that I didn't find the tree, that is really a clock. I kept a look over my shoulder from time to time, but did not see anything than the bookshelves in my office. And there is definitely no white dog, also no white pony, but a bored unicorn. After looking for an hour that magic fairy wood, I become bored too. Uninstalled via reboot.
Install it for the next visit of your grandchildren!
#8 ginz
Of course :
look for Toolwiz Timefreeze 2014, download it, it's free :), install it (as administrator!), you can take the default settings. Reboot - and you're done!
If you want to change your system state to "sandboxed", this means no changes to your REAL system, thank simply click "Start Time Freeze". If you want end this state, then "Stop Time Freeze", allow the immediate reboot and you have your "old" system back again.
If you want to spend money, then look for "Faronics deepfreeze". If you use Winj 8.1x thzen don't use a program, which is has not been updated for the last year.
And please, as always : if you crashed your system -> don't blame me!
@ Guncka
ПКМ по рабочему столу -> Персонализация -> Заставка
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@Rozario_Agro: не разобрался как в Win7 заставки менять, но если твоя заставка про морячка на необитаемом острове, то она действительно прикольная - еще на win 3.11 у меня она стояла.
По поводу сегодняшней программы, я повторюсь: не вижу смысла такие программы делать платными.
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Лайкаю только из-за Дениса Буренкова.
Нет времени тестить и ставить.
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Вообще-то, это, во-первых, живые обои. Ещё не ставил, возможно там и заставка есть (как обычно), но заявлено как wallpaper, а не screensaver!
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@ Kunzite
Ясное дело, что на любителя и на x32 (всё-таки со времён дос живёт), но от разниц мнений эта заставка только выигрывает. Здесь именно раритет авторитетом давит )))
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Вот заставка всех времён и народов:
(Просто забросить в Ц:/Виндовс)
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