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EverDoc 2023 был доступен бесплатно 30 ноября 2022 г.
Многие пользователи не могут найти важные документы, фотографии или PDF-файлы на своих компьютерах: слишком много дисков, разделов и папок.
Вот почему Abelssoft разработала EverDoc для Windows. Этот инструмент автоматически ищет документы и файлы, распределенные по разным папкам. Благодаря облачному соединению также возможно сканирование файлов, находящихся в Dropbox, Google Drive, Onedrive и в облаке.
Пользователь может осуществлять поиск по определенному имени файла, дате создания и даже ключевым словам. Также доступен удобный полнотекстовый поиск.
Windows 7/ 8/ 8.1/ 10/ 11
75 MB
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Colin - given that you can download "EverDoc 2023" and try it - for free - from the Abelssoft website, you could ascertain for yourself if it'll do this "index searching" (rather than 'full text searching').
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JayUU: It is reasonable to expect the software developer to describe the features of its program. In terms of productivity, there is a HUGE difference between searching text on demand, and having an index of text already prepared ahead of time.
What you are suggesting is that interested people download the software, install it, try it to see what happens. Then they are faced with the problem of uninstalling useless software--and then tracking down all the garbage software inevitably leave behind after being uninstalled.
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Can anyone confirm that this software uses index searching? Can't see anything about it on this site or on the Abelssoft site. Perhaps the developer can comment.
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Is this better than 'Search Everything' which is free?
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Doug R, -
"Everything" does not index file content; it strictly creates an index of the file names within a directory and is practically useless for anyone with a copious amount of data and non-descriptive file names like "resume 1, resume 2, resume 3," etc. If I need to find all of the resumes containing "laser or lasers" as well as "process or process development" and "engineer or engineering," amongst 160,000 resumes stored locally, Everything is about as useful as a third leg for a task like that.
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