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ArtPlus Easy Noter Pro 4.5 был доступен бесплатно 13 марта 2016 г.
Ищите программу для управления персональной информацией, которая будет работать с вами, а не против вас? EasyNoter – это простая в использовании, но мощная программа для управления данными в различных целях. Она предлагает все необходимые функции личного органайзера, представленные в стильном и интуитивно понятном интерфейсе. EasyNoter не только хорошо оформлена, но также очень практична и проста в использовании. Она поможет организовать ваши заметки и адреса, вести дневник, а также всегда помнить о важных задачах.
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Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8/ 10 (x32/x64)
10.8 MB
Восстанавливайте удаленные изображения и видео с карт памяти! Программа поможет вернуть утерянные картинки, видеофайлы или музыку с удаленных, случайно форматированных или даже поврежденных карт памяти цифровых камер и мобильных устройств.
Специальное предложение! Приобретайте программу сейчас за $9.95 (вместо $24.95). Введите "ePix" в поле для Подарочного кода здесь.
I'm actually in the market for something like this at the moment. The thing that's putting me off, though, is that the dev can't spell "essential".
How can we trust the software is there are spelling errors in the description?
We are not here to test their literary skills but their software.
It would appear they are from Croatia, English is not their first language.
Instead of blaming them, blame the idiot who destroyed a language with illogical spelling, Dr Samuel Johnson.
I can't get it to install on Windows 10 Pro 64. A blank dialog comes up with a blue top and white bottom, then closes after about 5 seconds. Then the GOTD setup comes back and says "Successfully Activated". But nothing is actually installed anywhere.
It's free today so no complaints, but confused. Easynotes Free has adverts. Easynotes paid which was supposidly $24.95 reduced to $9.95, is the same program without them. The developers website also has the EasynotesPro still for sale at $24.95. No indication of any differences between paid and pro.
It looks like a good little notebook for keeping track of things like dates and such.
My only qualm is you cannot enlarge the note book.
Additional dictionaries can be downloaded for it. Mine is in Canadian English now.
@keya23 and Salvia
essencial is another way of spelling essential.
Robert George
The notebook can be enlarged by pointing to any edge and pulling outwards to the size you want.
Installed easily on Windows 10 64 bit.
Nicely laid out and the customisation options are clear, clean and easy to use. Now have a changed screen resolution and GB English installed, which was a simple enough process. So far I am impressed and will be keeping this and giving it a good testing over the next week or so, whilst maintaining my current system for safety.
I use Outlook for much of my work but can't say that I'm that that fond of it. I can see this being a good replacement for parts of it at least. I can't seem to leave feedback in the top section, so I would like to do so here - Using Microsoft Outlook is often necessary, but it would be helpful to import Contacts and Diary to Easy Noter, especially when it is used on USB across machines where Outlook is not installed.
Thank you GAOTD and ArtPlus.
Хорошая прога, но русского не хватает. Может есть руссификатор?
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