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DMclone 1.2 (Win&Mac) Lifetime был доступен бесплатно 4 апреля 2021 г.
Эффективное программное обеспечение для клонирования дисков
DMclone для Windows является одним из лучших инструментов для клонирования дисков. Он поможет вам безопасно и легко клонировать жесткий диск, SSD, карту памяти, USB-накопитель и т. д.
Вы также можете использовать программу для смены старого жесткого диска на новый без переустановки Windows ОС.
Режим клонирования разделов
Режим клонирования дисков на уровне разделов. Клонирует раздел жесткого диска на новый раздел жесткого диска или устройство или данные с внешнего устройства на раздел жесткого диска.
Режим клонирования дисков
Режим клонирования дисков на уровне дисков. Этот режим может помочь вам легко клонировать весь жесткий диск на другой жесткий диск или внешнее устройство или клонировать данные с внешнего устройства на жесткий диск.
Зачем Вам нужен DMclone для Windows?
DMclone для Windows - это 100% безопасное программное обеспечение для клонирования дисков. Поддерживает клонирование любого типа жесткого диска или съемного устройства хранения.
Windows 10/ 8/ 8.1/ 7/ Vista; macOS 10.7 or later
25.9 MB
Пожизненная, без обновлений, без переустановки
Reliable data recovery software to easily recover deleted, formatted or lost files.
Permanently erase data before you sell, donate or dispose of old computer or digital device.
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A search for DMClone review, seems that there is little info on this software, though it also seems it is given away frequently.
Is there any real review for this?
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The big difference between cloning a disk/partition & an image backup is that the backup image takes up less space, because normally the free space isn’t included. Transferring the contents of one disk/partition to another, cloning requires a single step, with the requirement that both disks or partitions are connected to the PC [or whatever device] and online. Restoring an image backup doesn’t have that requirement – just need the backup archive connected – but requires two steps.
Considering that most all image backup apps also do cloning, the potential usefulness of DMclone that occurs to me is that the popular Macrium Reflect backup app does not yet backup or clone USB sticks – you could clone the USB stick to a .vhd file that you created & mounted in Windows for a backup. That said, DMclone uses Easeus drivers [which is good], so the question is why not just install the free version of the Easeus backup app instead? You get more functionality for free. Or any known brand of image backup app that has a free version if the Easeus drivers have some sort of conflict on your system, e.g., Paragon, AOMEI, Macrium etc.
Note: Windows assigns a GUID to every connected drive partition, and those GUIDs must be unique. That means that if you clone a disk/partition and have both the clone & the original connected to the same device, Windows will not work with both until you fix that [Admin Tools -> Computer Mgmt.]
DMclone itself is stored only in the programs folder – no other folders added – and I recorded 100 new registry entries in my Win7 32-bit VM. Uninstall appears to remove the Easeus drivers that were added and requires a restart – curious since the installation did not (?).
On a side note, one of the comments on the GOTD page asked about merging partitions… some partitioning apps do have a merge function, which puts the contents of one partition in a folder on the 2nd. That’s obviously not what the person wanted – “Specifically old(er) Os(that is not Windows 10) games and game data with keys to a current Windows 10 Os” . The way to do that would be to upgrade that OS to Win10. If the old OS was on one machine, and the desired target was another, I’d suggest upgrading the original device, then attempting to transfer that copy of Win10 to the new device, since Win10 will automatically try to evolve to work on the new hardware, adding drivers etc.
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Rubbish! It can't even find any of my drives/discs. As soon as you open the programme a box comes up saying "Failed to open partition or disk" With a big red exclamation mark.
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Tried twice to install. There is no place to enter an activation key. Have already uninstalled a previous version for this one and now I appear to be in a trial version now. Not what I anticipated.
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One installed and activated just gives a message 'failed to find partition or disk' despite having two fully functional HDD's and an SSD. Total waste of time.
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