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Blue Ocean Aquarium был доступен бесплатно 4 января 2018 г.
Blue Ocean Aquarium анимированные обои , а также скринсейвер для рабочего стола покажут Вам кристально чистый голубой океан с изобилием разноцветных рыбок, кораллов и подводных вулканов. Звуки океана позволят Вам полностью погрузится в подводную атмосферу и насладиться всеми прелестями океана прямо на Вашем рабочем столе.
Windows 10/ 8/ 8.1/ 7
27.6 MB
You've got to be kidding me! $15.95 for a corny 1995 style animated wallpaper you can get for free anywhere. Is this the "Joke of the Day" or what? LOL
Installed to see what it was like poor graphics uninstalled it but it kept coming back had to do system restore to get rid of it
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where you enter an email address to receive the key. Mine came to my Yahoo email very quickly. The install is a normal setup file. There is no GOTD wrapper so I don't think there will be much trouble with installation.
The install is pretty quick and after pasting in the key the program is registered. I sort of like it. It's a bit whimsical and fun. definitely a changed of pace from my standard wallpapers. Anvir Task Manager showed my memory using at 29% on my Win 10 laptop. When I exited the program it dropped to 26%. So it's not a serious memory hog.
Traditionally these types of programs don't do well here. But I will keep this. I won't run it all the time but it will make a nice change of pace. Thank you GOTD team and MAC N PC Software.
I prefer to use my valuable resources in a more productive way, like turning my monitor off to save some energy. On the other side, oh my goodness! Those graphics are truly unreal and outdated.
I would like to run the aquarium as an ordinary computer program and not as a screensaver or wallpaper, and I want to run it in a window (not fullscreen) so I can look at the aquarium while doing other things in other windows, and thus choose to run the aquarium only when I not run so heavy programs at the same time. I suspect a security risk when a program demands to run all the time and leave no convenient way to quickly stop and restart it.
Well, I Googled on aquarium video & got 30 mill hits -- maybe run one of those. You can size a player window however you like, it'll be more realistic than an animation, & it'll likely take less processing power to display the video than it would take to render that animation.
Абсолютно некрасивое приложение. Графика, фон, рыбы, траектория рыб - все сделано ужасно. У краба, к примеру, ус двигается как секундная стрелка: туда-сюда рывками. Странно, что это "чудо" стоит 16$. Категорически не советую.
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