Каждый день мы раздаем лицензионные программы БЕСПЛАТНО!
BatchInpaint был доступен бесплатно 24 ноября 2011 г.
BatchInpaint это отдельная версия популярной программы Inpaint, которая позволяет обрабатывать фотографии в пакетном режиме. Теперь вы сможете удалять водяные знаки, даты с фотографий и другие ненужные объекты с десятков фотографий сразу.
Windows 1Ghz and higher; 2000 MHz processor; 256 MB RAM
3.77 MB
Inpaint реконструирует область ненужного объекта из пикселей вокруг. Программу можно использовать для удаления ненужных объектов со статических изображений. Удаляйте любые ненужные объекты с фотографий, например линии проводов, людей, текст… Программа автоматически закрасит выбранный объект, чтобы его удалить. Если вдруг какой-то объект портит хорошую фотографию, Inpaint просто удалит его. Просто выберите этот объект.
iResizer это программа для масштабирования изображений без изменения важного визуального контента, такого как люди, здания, животные и т.д. При обычном масштабировании изменения затрагивают все пиксели равномерно, в то время как масштабирование с помощью iResizer затрагивает только те области, в которых нет важного визуального контента.
FolderIco позволяет изменять ярлык любой папки Windows всего одним щелчком мыши! Разве вы не знаете, как заменить обычный желтый ярлык папки на яркий и веселый? С помощью FolderIco вы сможете придать цвета и папкам Windows. Всего одним кликом мыши раскрашивайте папки и придумывайте новые способы классификации папок. Всего один взгляд – и вы сразу найдете ту папку, которую ищете!
WebInPaint это веб-приложение, которое позволяет удалять ненужные объекты с фотографий онлайн. Если вы не можете себе позволить приобрести Photoshop или Snagit, тогда вам обязательно нужно попробовать Webinpaint. Программа быстро удалит объекты с фотографии, которые портят ее.
RadioZilla позволит вам слушать Интернет-радио станции и записывать программы их вещания совершенно бесплатно!
Yes, it removes watermarks. No, the image isn't usable afterwards.
The program installed easily on my Win7 32bit OS. It has very limited capabilities. Meaning the options simply let you decide where and how to save a file (duplicate in same folder, overwrite, and select folder.) I have tried removing watermarks with other methods and while this program is quite fast, it doesn't seem to actually remove large or small watermarks. It simply mixes everything together.
Happy Thanksgiving America!
very, very limited possibilities in comparison to PhotoStamp released by GOTD some days before. And it is veeery slow. I will uninstall this and stick with PhotoStamp instead.
But thanks GOTD for this gift!
The original Inpaint was an excellent tool for removing blemishes or unwanted items from a photo. You could just draw a line around the item and the program filled it in with material drawn from its immediate surroundings. I used it for months but then it converted itself into a trial version that wouldn't save the edits. So I jumped at the chance to load this version. I didn't care about batches; one edit at a time was all I wanted. But this version doesn't seem to do anything like that. (Maybe it removes watermarks and dates but I don't need that.) Oh, and mine crashed almost immediately.
Could we get a giveaway of the good old un"improved" Inpaint soon? Please?
W7 x64
version 1.0
Activate.exe verifies correct GAOTD date & presets the registry key into the Windows Registry
Setup.exe is the BatchInPaint installation program
registers automatically (by running Activate.exe)
only 1 single file to the program, BatchInpaint.exe, 7 MB
program window is resizable, but NOT the split between the file list & the picture window.
very odd IMO.
further there should be a means to hide the file list entirely.
my original thought was that this would work like Inpaint, with Inpaints features, but in a batch mode, & if that held true, then this could be looked at as an upgrade to Inpaint, in that it would have Inpaint features & allow batching.
but that is not the case. it does not have all the features as Inpaint & does not work in the same way. does not have undo/redo & the selection tools are different.
appears this is made to remove the same object (say a watermark) from multiple pictures at once. like if you know the date/time are stamped into a picture at a fixed location, you select that location & inpaint should proceed to remove the date/time for all of the selected files. & presumably the pictures would all need to have the same dimensions for this to work effectively.
no undo/redo
no preview
only selection tool is a resizeable rectangle
once started, the pictures are modified in mass, automatically saving each as it progresses
no indication which particular file is being worked on
no real indication that any file is being worked on, only a dialog that says "Processing..."
oh, OK actually there is, "some" feedback, just taking a while for it to register anything meaningful (like x% completed)
so if you have a set of files, all watermarked alike, dimensioned the same, then presumably this could remove the watermark on each picture.
i don't have such a set, only picked random images, & removed "something" from each, so can't really say how effective this would be with real data?
actually i do, heh.
if you do not register the program, it runs in Trial mode, & trial mode watermarks its output.
ah, that didn't work. the "watermark" is simply an 'X' that runs from corner to corner so not something repeatable that you would be able to remove.
pictures are obviously disturbed, but depending on what you're looking to accomplish, the results could be acceptable?
given the comments the other day on Photo Stamp Remover, i'm sure there will be many complaining how this can be used to "steal" ...
#3 Arvind - This one will process a large number of images at once (rather than you having to edit each one individually) with the same parameters (ie: if a bunch of photos have a watermark all in the same place, you would set it to remove it in the first photo and it would process the rest of the set in the same way). It's for editing a large number of images that have a similar attribute that you want to change in all of them in the same way, basically.
При всем моем уважении и любви к инпеинт программе этот пакетный вариант не понравился. Во-первых, чрезмерно медленный обработчик до невозможности, а "время- деньги"... второе, что-то у меня никак не хочет обрабатывать выделенную область на фото. Как было так и остается. Программа требует доработки и CUDA технологий.
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Спасибо, но буду ждать Inpaint-4 New.
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