Каждый день мы раздаем лицензионные программы БЕСПЛАТНО!
Akick Data Recovery 1.0 был доступен бесплатно 12 февраля 2017 г.
Akick Data Recovery восстановит случайно отформатированные, удаленные или потерянные данные с любого источника информации, включая внешние девайсы, такие как карты памяти, USB флешки и других. Однако восстановление возможно только двух файлов одновременно.
Лицензия: предоставляется на 1 год для домашнего использования; не поддерживает обновления, без бесплатной технической поддержки.
Уважаемые пользователи,
При неудачной активации, пожалуйста, попробуйте активировать программу следующими ключами:
Приносим извинения.
All Windows OS; 1 GB RAM; Approx. 50MB Hard disk
2.6 MB
Программа удалит ненужные файлы которые накапливаются в памяти Вашего компьютера в процессе использования. Программа увеличивает скорость системы и работу компьютера в общем.
Akick Data Backup легко сделает бекап ваших файлов и папок и защитит их паролем. Эти файлы можно восстановить в любое время даже если их случайно удалят.
Akick PC Optimizer значительно изменит скорость Вашего компьютера. Программа использует современный механизм по очистке ненужных файлов, которые замедляют работу компьютера. Очистит вирусы и вредоносные файлы и прилично ускорит работу вашего компьютера.
Their website states that you can recover only two files in the trial mode. Therefore, what is offered today is cripple-ware. Considering all of the similar software available on the market, $99 for this program, if it were available for use indefinitely, would still be out of range. $99 for a single year is ridiculous. This software manufacturer should go back to the drawing board and look at what's available on the market in similar products and then price theirs accordingly. Recovery of only two files at a time, makes this program more of a nuisance than a benefit.
If you want to have a good laugh, go visit their site.
"Compatible with major platforms, like Windows."
"Recovers files from various files systems, like FAT, NTFS, etc."
So-called FAQ :
"-- Is this software easily recovers all types of file ?"
"-- Yes, this software easily recovers all types of file."
No product sheet, no downloadable manual, no online help, no knowledge base, no user forum. Support is by phone, "toll free". God knows what they will try to sell you while giving out this "free support".
The information given on their other "programs" is similar. It's a joke.
According to the developer's own Press Release at that time, Akick Data Recovery was launched in December 2016 because:
"Imagining a day when you aren't able to access crucial documents, family pics, song collections is difficult. Apparently, it would not be a good feeling. But now, it is absolutely possible to recover lost data with the recovery software."
Imagining a day would also be difficult when apparently it would not be a good feeling, either, to have to spend $100 a year, every year, on an unknown recovery app when it is absolutely possible to acquire Recuva from well-established developer Piriform for absolutely nothing at all.
As this GOTD comments thread exists as much to help developers as GOTDers, might I suggest to Akick Software that it embarks on a period of recovery itself before returning to this sector with something less palpably laughable?
It clearly hasn't a clue about what it's doing with today's promotion -- the reference to the trial version's appalling two-file restriction is obviously unintended -- whilst the fact that Malwarebytes is blocking Akick's primary address as malicious and reporting the extended link on this page as an SSL_ERROR_RX_RECORD_TOO_LONG connection fail is downright embarrassing. As for hoping to rent out its wares at $100 annually recurring, words fail. . .
The thought occurs that this isn't actually a product promotion as some High School research project into consumer gullibility. Either way, thanks GOTD, but absolutely no thanks.
Installed in Win 7 x64 with no issue
Registration does not work. Entering the supplied GOTD activation key and the application stays in trial mode, it does not activate
Two disk images mounted in windows. 1 raw image mounted and formatted as FAT32 disk is selectable for scanning in the application. Another F2FS raw image mounted but not formatted is listed in the application but is greyed out (not-selectable for scanning).
Scanning the FAT32 disk finishes within less than a second, with no results returned.
Scanning the windows C: drive (512GB SSD) for photos produces a long list of images of which approx 50% have a "good chance" or recovery, and the other 50% as "Bad".
- There is no file or images preview.
- There is no count of the returned results.
- There is no option to select all
- The main application window can not maximized
- There are no results view options, one single fixed view
- Scan results can not be saved
The list goes on. What raises many questions, is that in the application there is a logo indicating Akick as a "Microsoft Partner - Gold Application Development". And on their site other prominent logos as "Cisco Premier Partner" and "Intel Software Partner Premier 2016".
On the company's site, there is no contact address or phone number under "Contact us" just a typical form.
However, on the support page there is a toll-free number and an email address.
On the Awards page, software.intel.com link is invalid, and looking up Akick returns no results on the site.
And lastly, on the product's page, under "System Requirements" it would have bee sufficient to say windows xp SP3 and above and not text-fill with every single OS. You got the point.
Dicthing this one.
Only 1 year? on this type of software (which we get at least once a week) pass
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Разработчиков сего поделия вдруг резко схватила жаба?
Ключ не активирует программу. Да куй сней, все рано с таким "удобным интерфейсом" она и даром не надо.
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Не активируется,после ввода ключа окно активации так и остаётся активным. Скачал второй раз, все тоже самое
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Не активируется ключом из файла Readme!
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Не активируется,после ввода ключа окно активации так и остаётся активным
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Программа встала и активировалась нормально, НО почему то сканирует и находит удаленные файлы только на системном диске. На втором диске, где именно находится вся файловая помойка, никакие удаленные файлы не видит в упор. А ведь программа далеко не из дешевых! Спасибо GOTD, что дали возможность протестить сие чудо...
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