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Advanced Date Time Calculator 8.0 был доступен бесплатно 21 сентября 2017 г.
Полнофункциональная программа для подсчета дат и времени, созданная для получения конечной даты, дней между двумя датами и других подсчетов.
Основные возможности:
Обратите внимание: Данная версия программы предоставляется для 1 ПК (пожизненная лицензия без обновлений). Перейдите по ссылке для получения значительной скидки на другие лицензии с Пожизненными обновлениями в день акции!
Windows XP/ 2003/ Vista/ 7/ 8/ 8.1/ 10 (x32/x64)
5.32 MB
Мощный служебный инструмент для Windows. Поиск дубликатов файлов и занимающих много места ресурсов, дополнительной информации о недавно использованных ресурсах, мониторинг активности Windows, выполнение пакетных операций с несколькими ресурсами и синхронизация.
Приложение PDF to X используется для преобразования PDF документов в Word (.doc) /WordPad (.rtf), в веб страницы HTML, в изображения в форматах JPG/ PNG/ BMP/ TIF/ GIF/ PCX/ TGA и в простые текстовые файлы в пакетном режиме.
Программа напоминает, когда следует приостановить работу во избежание получения травм от перенапряжения. В зависимости от вашего режима работы за компьютером, программа предложит в нужное время сделать разминку, пятиминутный перерыв, упражнение для глаз, прогулку. Все настройки можно регулировать.
Простая в использовании программа для подсчета рабочего времени. Она поможет посчитать время, затраченное на работу, в секундах, минутах, часах, днях, неделях, месяцах, годах и их приблизительную сумму.
Программа для подсчета годов, месяцев, дней, часов, минут и секунд от прошедшей даты и до наступления важных событий!
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As a professional Project Manager, date calculations are a huge part of my job and I have to do them often. I wish TriSun Software had included screenshots or similar to tempt me to download. A great date calculator could be quite useful, but I'd need to be swayed that it is better than my current tools.
Project Managers have forever used a date wheel for calculating dates, and they do work. I have to admit that I don't like them, though. I carry one for when I am in meetings and not at my computer and need to do date calcs.
When I am at my computer, however, there is an amazing and simple-to-use online tool called "DateWheel" at http://datewheel.net/desktop/en/index.html. They say they also have an iPhone app, but I'm an android user so I can't comment on that. But this online tool couldn't be simpler... it has inputs for two dates (beginning and end) and a number for measure of time (which can be in days, weeks, months or Business Days (!)). You just change any of those parameters and the rest changes automatically. I've been using this online tool for several months now and feel I can't live without it.
Anyway, TriSun might have swayed me to download and try their product if they had shown me its interface
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If you miss this, here are web based calculators:
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I try to find the difference between two dates and hours but no matter which dates and hours I choose it gives the same error message: "The [From/To] time is out of range." It also start with an error message: "The [Result] is out of range."
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Hi all,
Please note that there is an update of v8.0 - support native Portuguese (Brazil) at Sep 17.
GOTD's installer is old, if your mother language is Portuguese (Brazil), please feel free to download it from our official site.
This license key will work also.
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Free and better...
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Mothman et al, the Time and Date website is invaluable to me. It's odd how often I need to refer to specific dates, time between dates, countdowns, etc. The "calculator" tab is very handy (example, what day was I born? or much more complex queries).
YES, it is important to note that a desktop application may be used without Internet access, but then you have yet another desktop application as well (for those who would rather not have yet another for such simple tasks). However, this program is $30, notwithstanding today's GOTD free license (let's not forget one purpose of developers offering these wonderful opportunities is still sales).
Easy download & extraction, but got the old GOTD runaround where the program is not installed, but instead, the "install software informer" window and the typical unrequested browser tab open. No program installed. Sorry, but not going through the hassle of pausing my anti-virus or rebooting or safe mode or any of the other tricks we've come to learn here. // win 8.1, 64.
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