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Active Share Monitor 1.1 был доступен бесплатно 16 февраля 2009 г.
Active Share Monitor это программа, созданная специально для защиты ваших файлов с общим доступом. Когда пользователь пытается открыть общий файл на вашем компьютере, программа видит это и показывает вам информацию об этом файле. Все детали сохраняются для последующего анализа. Вы также сможете добавлять компьютеры в черный список и блокировать доступ с них к вашим файлам. Для быстрого вызова программе можно назначить горячие клавиши. Таким образом, вы сможете получать информацию о сессиях и открытых файлах.
Windows 2000, XP, 2003, Vista
568 KB
RemoteObserver это приложение типа клиент-сервер, которое поможет вам наблюдать за компьютерами в локальной сети или Интернете. Вы сможете наблюдать за работой сотрудников, детей или студентов и записывать скриншоты их работы. Кроме того, вы сможете посылать сообщения, запускать приложения, включать или выключать удаленные компьютеры. Клиентская или серверная сторона будет защищена паролем для соблюдения конфиденциальности. Серверная сторона приложения имеет очень удобную функцию: вы сможете работать и наблюдать одновременно.
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Some FREEWARE and Open Source alternatives.
System Tray Share Monitor
Net Share Monitor
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Actually, this one CAN be useful to the home user when the user has a home network. I have 5 machines at home with a lot of shares. Makes it nice to see what machine has files opened and when the kids are sniffing around (and visa-versa :) )
I would say go for it. And yes, I am SURE there are free utils to do this, but so is this one (today!)
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Installed and ran fine on Vista and Win 7. Interface easy, good logging. Even tracks VMWare shared folders.
Solved the 'mystery of the disappearing drive space' in the first 10 minutes: Seems the wife was storing things on my laptop 'just in case' she may need them if her machine broke down.
Overall, good program. Don't need to be a techi to run it and know whats going on.
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Active Share Monitor would probably be useful for a lot of families. It can make restricting access to your PC's shared drives, folders, &/or files a lot simpler.
Most use Simple File Sharing, which is recommended under Windows Explorer -> Tools -> Folder Options -> View -- where you turn it on/off. Many I think are probably using whatever firewall came with their AV software, but whatever your choice, including Windows built-in firewall, blocking/allowing ip addresses can be a bit cryptic -- many (most?) firewalls hide rules setting, getting it out of the way so it won't confuse casual users. I don't think most users know about setting up ip addresses on their family's computers to begin with, instead letting their network switch/gateway/router handle things automagically. With this small (124 kb) program, to deny access all you need is the PC's name, so it could hardly be easier.
On the down side you can't set access to individual shares, like you can with more complicated setups, & I think showing Windows' default, internal shares might confuse some folks... there's little explanation of anything in the help file, though in fairness Active Share Monitor is simple enough I think most anyone can easily figure out how to use it.
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You should uninstall the 1.0 version prior to installing 1.1. It does have a few improvements. It still checks for updates, sending the registration name and key, and the version. I can't think of a reason why Vista users would need this, as you can control access to shared folders per-user, and the Computer Management, Shared Folders view gives you current status.
Agnitum released a new version of Outpost this weekend, it has a number of fixes, and the Security Suite is back to being tied for first with Online Armor (paid, not the free version) on the Matousec Firewall Challenge. Note that Agnitum's current deal isn't as good as the earlier offer; it's for the Firewall, not the Security Suite (I very strongly recommend the Security Suite).
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