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2000 Ultimate Skin Retouch Bundle был доступен бесплатно 1 декабря 2021 г.
Как сделать любую фотографию красивой?
Набор 2000 Ultimate Skin Retouch Bundle позволяет делать красивые и профессиональные улучшения всего одним щелчком мыши! Придайте своим фотографиям сияющий и уникальный вид, не изучая бесчисленные методы редактирования фотографий. Теперь вы можете исправить цвета, смягчить кожу, повысить резкость деталей и многое другое всего за несколько минут.
Compatible with Lightroom CC
4.90 MB
Пожизненная, коммерческое использование
This seemed really nifty and I was excited to download and install it, until I realized that it requires Adobe Lightroom. I didn't see anything in the description that would have alerted me to that. I don't own Lightroom.
I noticed, though a nice offer, had examples only of people with Caucasian skin color. There are more colors that a photographer captures images of. Consider adding them in your samples.
Kelltic, wouldn't it be grand if you wanted a certain color on a car but what you could see would be only one color? What is wrong with seeing the effects on different colors of skin?
mike, as a mfg of software designed to show skin change, the 'montage' does not show what happens with another skin color. It should.
It is amazing that the comments are condemning my suggesting that it would be better to show various skin colors in the samples rather than commenting on the product.
You need to open the file in ACR Photoshop. Then upload the xml file .
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