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1Tree Pro 7.1 был доступен бесплатно 23 июня 2021 г.
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Windows XP/ 2003/ Vista/ 7/ 8/ 8.1/ 10 (x32/x64)
384 KB
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Программа напоминает, когда следует приостановить работу во избежание получения травм от перенапряжения. В зависимости от вашего режима работы за компьютером, программа предложит в нужное время сделать разминку, пятиминутный перерыв, упражнение для глаз, прогулку. Все настройки можно регулировать.
Мощный служебный инструмент для Windows. Поиск дубликатов файлов и занимающих много места ресурсов, дополнительной информации о недавно использованных ресурсах, мониторинг активности Windows, выполнение пакетных операций с несколькими ресурсами и синхронизация.
Многофункциональный калькулятор времени и дат, который покажет нужный день, количество дней между двумя датами и количество дней от определенной даты.
First off, this application 'requires' .Net 3.5. I develop in .Net, so I'm not against it, but .Net 4.x + is baked into Windows 10, and the user has to jump through hoops to install an older inferior version (you can't always just click 'install', 'next' and 'next' on the warning screen). How hard can it be to recompile an application to use modern frameworks? .Net 4 was released ten years ago, so guess it must take a while to update.
Applications like this tend to read directories manually. How much space in this directory? And this one? And this one? Add to a list, then sort the list. That was great ten years ago when the number of directories on a PC was quite low, but these days, due to multiple program files directories, multiple system32 directories (there isn't just one) plus a plethora of others, it can take a while to rattle through all those. Just the Windows directory alone on my system has 57,000+ directories. I know mentioning alternative software is frowned upon here, but free software like WizTree reads the file table, which is many times quicker (and it uses more up-to-date frameworks... dig, dig, dig...) and only takes around ten seconds to read a full drive, rather than minutes on 'older' software.
This software in general is very useful. For people who have large drives, eg, 2 TB, then wonder why their 'My Documents' folder is 300 GB of space can suddenly find an obscure directory stuffed with old temporary files or cache files that can be removed. Finding these normally would be hard work.
This software very easily finds the directories that shouldn't really be as large as they are.
Its a shame this software doesn't work 'out of the box' for Windows 10 users. Shame too its only a year licence, but it is a recommended tool to have in your toolbox.
Chris, I've used WinDirStat for years, and it's great. Slow, but great. Thanks for bringing to our attention WizTree; never heard of it before.
Any comparison from users with the always free WinDirStat ?
Nektar, WinDirStat is great but hasn't been updated in about three years. WizTree is updated regularly and works by reading the file table rather than directories natively, so is ooooooodles quicker. Seconds rather than minutes. And its free.
Чем оно лучше классической WinDirStat?
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Иван, а почему она должна быть лучше.Есть множество программ
похожих на одну тему и что,кто-то должен определить лучшую
и все другие убрать? Каждый пусть решит для себя.
Ваша девушка или жена-лучшая для вас,а другая лучшая для
для другого
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