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1AVCenter Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — 1AVCenter

1AVCenter это полноценный аудио и видео центр.
$99.95 EXPIRED
Рейтинг: 381 1 комментарий

1AVCenter был доступен бесплатно 1 января 2011 г.

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Набор для очистки и настройки системы для Windows.

1AVCenter это полноценный аудио и видео центр. С помощью программы 1AVCenter вы сможете записывать аудио и видео, транслировать видео в прямом эфире с любого источника (рабочий стол, вебкамеры и т.д.), удаленно наблюдать за своим монитором или контролировать видео с вебкамеры. Кроме того, 1AVCenter создает целый вебсайт, где публикует видеопотоки прямо с вашего компьютера. С помощью 1AVCenter вы сможете отправлять электронные письма и загружать файлы через FTP.

Основные возможности:

  • Видео рекордер;
  • Аудио рекордер;
  • Инструмент для наблюдения;
  • Сервер, работающий в реальном времени;
  • Возможность захватывать изображения;
  • Встроенный веб сервер.

Системные требования:

Windows 98/ Me/ NT4/ 2000/ XP/ 2003/ Vista/ 7



Официальный сайт:


Размер файла:

4.94 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by MPCSTAR
Transform media files for playback on various devices.
Developed by VSO Software
View the feedback from multiple IP cameras.


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Спасибо за подарок Гивевею и разрабам! Всем успехов! 5 *****

Ответить   |   1  –  14 years ago  –  Комментарий оказался полезным? да | нет (0)
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Top English comments

Overall I think 1AV center is well developed but older tech -- where other apps might have undergone full or partial re-writes to include newer, better ways of doing things, 1AV Center reminds me of video software from the turn of the century [it's 2011 now -- I can use that phrase, right? ;-) ] that's undergone continual development since then. And 1AV Center can do a lot, from screen capture to streaming to stealth recording anyone near your PC. IMHO the chief downsides are 1) like many Swiss Army type apps, there's free or low cost software to do a better job in any individual category, 2) it's a VB [Visual Basic] app which is not ideal for fast video capture, & 3) trying to do everything either makes life more complicated, or something gets left out -- usually a bit of both. I'd also be concerned about letting something not widely used [& peer reviewed] act as a doorway between my PC [&/or network] & the web, not that you're likely to use it to start your own YouTube.

If you want to watch live video from your PC/laptop remotely on-line, there are services like Orb http://goo.gl/Vztae to make it easy. If you want to get your webcam or similar feed to an audience, Google/Bing on "webcam broadcast" & you'll get plenty of places to start, like USTREAM.tv. There are loads of approaches for getting video from your PC/laptop to a TV, & loads of devices if you don't want to direct connect, while the latest trend is TVs & Blu-Ray players that don't need a PC to go on-line [e.g. my son doesn't have an HDTV, but he uses a Blu-Ray player to play DVDs & stream Netflix etc. to the regular TV he has -- it was the easiest, cheapest solution, doesn't tie up his PC, & has worked very well for the last year]. If you want to stream to something besides your TV, check out TVersity http://goo.gl/dOe6. If you want to stream over your network there are plenty of alternatives, including the free VLC at videolan.org. Analog & digital broadcast video capture hardware &/or devices usually come with their own software for capture, there are free alternatives like VirtualDub or GBPVR at videohelp.com, it's bundled into many software suites like Nero & Roxio, & it's part of Vista & win7 Media Centers etc. Check previous GOTD offers for screen capture apps.

1AV Center captures video to installed avi codecs or wmv, though I suspect not all Direct Show avi codecs will work. Mpg2 has long been considered ideal because compared to older avi codecs like mjpeg or even DV it doesn't take up vast amounts of disc space, it doesn't require the latest / greatest / fastest hardware, & you can get up to HD Blu-Ray quality using it, but it's not free so you'll usually only see mpg2 capture in pay-ware or software bundled with hardware [for analog capture it's also what Windows Media Centers use, though buried in a dvr-ms or wtv container]. Before mpg2 capture became possible [when CPUs became fast enough] there was mjpeg & HUFFYUV avi codecs -- both still work well for capture today. There are also free DV codecs you can download, or you can try using free VFW versions of X264 to capture direct to H.264/AVC [takes more horsepower but smaller files & maybe no re-encode]. Remember that if streaming a live feed is your goal, it's easier & better streaming smaller files. Also note that you can have high quality, small files, & fast encoding, *But using your PC/laptop you can only have 2 out of 3 at the same time*.

Installing 1AV Center I found 1st off it won't install with less than 32 bit color. And installation does have some impact on Windows -- in win7 ult 32 I recorded 19573 new registry entries [and that's with very few garbage keys/entries like caches &/or Shell\Bags]. Up to 16 files might be added to Windows' system folder, most are registered with Windows, & many can potentially have an effect on software you've already installed. The app's program folder takes up ~5 MB with 73 files, 3 folders. I also got a 1AVCenter folder with 10, empty subfolders in Users \ Public Documents. Resource usage idle was about 170 K RAM, & CPU use was minimal but always there.

mike  –  14 years ago  –  Комментарий оказался полезным? да | нет (+84)

Dear users,

we have contacted PCWinSoft regarding activation issue for those who have previous version of 1AVCenter installed.

Considering today is the first day of the year, the answer is not likely to be received shortly. Anyway we will let you know as soon as we have any information.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Best regards and Happy New year! :)
GOTD team

Giveaway of the Day project team  –  14 years ago  –  Комментарий оказался полезным? да | нет (+61)

Uninstalled previous version of this Giveaway for this newest version and new result is an "evaluation" copy no matter how many times I "activate" it; nor did it register even when I "activated" it prior to installation.


Scottie  –  14 years ago  –  Комментарий оказался полезным? да | нет (+52)

I too had installed the previous version from earlier this year and cannot get this one to install anything but the trial version - yes I ran activate.ex...have deleted it, cleaned the registry, uninstalled, deleted the start menu folders, even re-downloaded it to no avail.

GBD  –  14 years ago  –  Комментарий оказался полезным? да | нет (+37)

Back on 2010 April 13 the GOTD was 1AVCenter version and so I would like to know...

(a) what is today's 1AVCenter version?

(b) if a newer version, what are the differences?



martin  –  14 years ago  –  Комментарий оказался полезным? да | нет (+34)

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