Каждый день мы раздаем лицензионные программы БЕСПЛАТНО!
1-abc.net Clipboard Organizer 3 был доступен бесплатно 1 марта 2014 г.
Буфер обмена Windows практически не менялся с самого момента создания. Однако, иногда появляется необходимость в копировании и вставке различного текста из/ в различные буферы, и такая функция возможна только для некоторых офисных инструментов, но недоступна для целой системы Windows. 1-abc.net Clipboard Organizer меняет это и включает в себя различные функции управления буфером обмена.
Вы сможете выбрать до 4-х различных буферов. Так как первый - это ваш системный буфер обмена, который работает полностью без изменений, вы можете заполнять остальные текстом, копируя и вставляя его напрямую из источника. С приложением так же просто работать, как и системным буфером обмена; используются только другие горячие клавиши, а не CTRL+C/ CTRL+V.
Windows XP, Vista, 7 and 8; CPU 300 MHz; RAM 32MB; disk space 10MB
9.45 MB
Теперь 1-abc.net Utility Box включает 16 мощных инструментов для очистки и оптимизации, образуя мощнейшую программу, призванную помогать поддерживать вашу систему быстрой и надежной. Акция по обновлению программы 1-abc.net Clipboard Organizer 3 со скидкой! Специальная цена для посетителей GOTD: $19.99 вместо $44.99 (обычная цена).
*Keeps track of what you cut or copy
*Allows you to easily paste a previous clip
*Provides you with three additional clipboards, meaning you have a total of four clipboards at your disposal with this program
*Supports hotkeys for each of the clipboards
*Does not support rich-text, images, files, etc. — only supports plain-text
Free Alternatives
Review of Best Free Clipboard Managers for Windows
TenClips (for those of you who want multiple clipboards)
Final Verdict
Click here for final verdict and full review
Of course and as always we offer free technical e-mail support even for such a free edition! Simply send an e-mail to support@1-abc.net or visit our FAQ website on http://1-abc.net/support.htm
Please note that with so many downloads and installations today not every question can be answered in time (especially on weekend, I'm sorry), but we promise to solve each single one and if you will receive your answer the next days of course we will find a solution even after the giveaway period.
We wish you much fun with this free edition!
1-abc.net Support
20 bucks for an ordinary clipboard manager supporting only plain text? Come on...must be a joke!!
This developer is specialized in producing apps easily replaceble with better freeware...and I wonder why he does that all the time!
- (Portable) ClipMon (==> My Personal First Choice because of its portability and effectiveness)
Terrific FREE clipboard program with a stunning set of features and a magnificient user interface for monitoring and managing all of your items stored in your PC's clipboard.
Unlike most (FREE/PAID) clipboard programs out there, it even allows you to EDIT the content of your clipboard, for instance by opening a selected image in one of your favorite external editing graphic programs (TinEye Client, IrfanView, Paint.NET), as well as send the current or previous clipboard content to a preset mail recipient or custom directory.
And yes, it can also automatically syncronize your copied & pasted data from your PC's clipboard to another one via cloud services (DropBox for instance).
This means that, if you choose a both-way synchronization, you'll be able to edit the clips from any other PC in the world, gaining access to the edited clips via ClipMon History Browser on your home/office PC.
But of course you can also set up the same ClipMon synchronization function on several different PCs, so that the ClipMon history collections are automatically synchronized between each other with no questions asked.
Obviously, you are allowed to protect your UPLOAD CLIPBOARD DIRECTORY on the internet server by a password, to make sure that any snoopers will never be able to access it.
Here a short explanation on how to do that:
- Save.Me
Superb FREE and very easy to use PORTABLE clipboard tool which can save and preserve absolutely everything you may copy&paste (text, images, URLs, files, folders, emails etc...) for easy access at a later date.
Any item saved in the clipboard can be retrieved in a blink of an eye, thanks to an extremely powerful Search Box tool.
Just enter a word, an image name or a text snippet, and then this app is able to find the item you were searching for almost immediately.
But if you don't remember the exact name of the item to be retrieved, no problem; just click on the “Default” view and voilà every logged clipboard item will be shown in chronological order.
The information given to users, once finding the right item they were looking for, is simply amazing, when compared to other similar FREE/PAID clipboard tools out there.
For instance, it can tell you if a particular item was an image with a meaningful name or just a block of text, showing you the exact date when it was saved to the clipboard and even the name of the application responsible for that.
It also sports a nice "preview window", designed to show you all the text, the entire image or even a web page should the clipboard item be an URL address.
And since everything is saved into the HD of your machine, all your records will be accessible even across reboots, turning this FREE clipboard even into a sort of "information organizer" for research purposes.
- Clipboard Extra
Very nice FREE brand new clipboard manager app which helps you copy multiple text or image items and then paste them whenever and wherever you need to.
Can even EDIT the stored text entries by a built-in text editor utility, enabling you to convert text pieces to upper or lower case, capitalize the entire text or use the integrated character replacement function.
It also sports an unique feature called "Text Stealer", which comes in very handy when writing a tutorial, since it's able to automatically copy to the clipboard the names of any of the running apps or sections in an opened window.
See also:
Enjoy!!! ^_^
My 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 cent for today's giveaway!
Okay, I changed it on our server, now the wrong registration link opens the right registration anyway ... :-)
Installed and registered(?) without problems on a Win 8.1 Pro 64 bit system.
A German software company founded 2005 with an address, telephon.
Double checked eMail for key. The program doesn't show, that it is registered.
A small utility for a simple clipboard organization. Can be installed portable.
Clipboard entries are displayed with a date/time stamp and can be "organized" in three additional clipboards. This is simple, works, but it nothing remarkable.
The clipboard can only contain text. Double-click on an older entry copies this entry to the current clipboard. A search function is included.
The split on three additional clipboards does not make much sense for me.
Not impressed and unistalled.
I'll keep clipdiary, a former GOTD.
Несколько громоздкая софтина, возможностями не очень впечатляет. Мнение субъективное, поскольку сколько не ставил себе вышеупомянутые CLCL и Ditto, так никогда и не пользовался, не вошло в привычку. Так до сих пор в подобных случаях висит AkelPad с плагином "буфер обмена" или CintaNotes, которая сохраняет буфер с автосохранением как отдельные заметки.
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Проще и лучше Cliptray_1.61 ещё не встречал. Она хоть и старенькая, но отлично работает на Windows 7 x86,x64
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http://amlpages.com/twinkiepaste.shtml TwinkiePaste 1.40 http://clipdiary.com/rus/?utm_nooverride=1&ver=3.5&days=114&runs=59&s=cdmemu Clipdiary бесплатна для некоммерческого использования
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Пока удобнее CLCL ничего не нашёл, скоро голова кругом пойдёт от использования "других горячих клавиш".
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Лучше Ditto я программы для работы с буфером обмена ещё не встречал. В ней можно хоть 500 записей и больше сделать, программа на русскоми она бесплатна, работает на 7-ке(86) отлично. А что такое в этой "до 4-х различных буферов"?
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Не первый раз раздаётся эта программа, но никогда не испытывал необходимости в подобном софте.
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