Каждый день мы раздаем лицензионные программы БЕСПЛАТНО!
1-abc.net File Encrypter 7 был доступен бесплатно 7 февраля 2015 г.
1-abc.net File Encrypter защитит паролем файлы любых типов. Доступны 11 симметричных и ассиметричных методов шифрования, которые можно комбинировать друг с другом. Используйте эту программу для защиты вашей личной информации!
Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8; CPU 300 MHz; RAM 32MB; disk space 10MB.
9.62 MB
Существует множество программ для защиты приватности и безопасности системы, но данная коллекция содержит в себе целых 6 фантастических и простых в использовании инструментов для защиты системы. Шесть модулей для повышения безопасности данных смогут обеспечить защиту вашей системы на каждом шагу! Специальное предложение от File Encrypter 7 для пользователей GOTD: приобретайте 1-abc.net Security Box за $26.66 вместо $39.99 (стандартная цена).
Installed and NOT registered on a WIn 8.1.3 Pro 64 bit system.
I simply did not get the registration email. According to a previous software from this company, this is a double checked email. Maybe of interest for German readers.
A german court ruled last week, that the double opt email is considered as "unwanted email" = spam - therefor no longer allowed:
"Ein Urteil des Amtsgerichts Berlin Pankow/Weißensee (Az. 101 C 1005/14) hat jedoch die Bestätigungsmail als unerwünschte Werbung eingestuft. "
A German company with name&address and all requested legal informations. The software is from mid 2014, digitally signed with COMODO.
A simple non resizable window opens, you add your file, choose the "encryption method" and encrypt this file to a self-decrypting .EXE or an encrypted file which can only be decrypted with the above program.
The different encryption methods are a pure gimmick, whether simple "Hex-encoder" or Cesar-3 or Cesar-9 is irrelevant. If you want to be an the "safe" side, choose AES. No further info to the encryption details. No check, whether the entered password is secure - only "minimum 6 characters" requested. Can be used with the context menu.
The test with a simple file ends with an error message in my case:
The encrypted .EXE was built. Worked, but overwrites an existing file with the same name without warning.
A very simple encryption utility. Does what it claims. If you need a simple solution, this is a program, you can take.
Uninstalled via reboot. Don't need this - still no eMail...
To activate this software you are asked to visit this page...
There you will supply your name and email address. You will receive an email with a link you must click to confirm the email. Then you again supply an email address and you receive the key. Isn't that a long way to get some information that could have been just as easily been included in the readme file? I stopped after the first step as I lost interest. By the way, I received in Hotmail instantly, did not receive at all in Yahoo. Thank you for the offer but I will pass. Too many hoops o jump through.
I am sure there must be a better way to register,instead of providing my email twice, especially when there are loads of free programs which do exactly the same thing and more(and don't require my email).
http://www.toolwiz.com/products/toolwiz-bsafe/ Toolwiz bsafe provides a virtual encryption disk(AES-256), imp-don't forget to read the suggestions!
http://www.dcu.bplaced.net/home.html Drag'n'Crypt-Portable,context menu support, Two-fish algorithm, secure deletion.
http://www.valkovatech.net/ Quick Crypt-Portable,comes with encryption password hint, unique system ID so files can only be decrypted on the same system, you can set the expiration date of encrypted files.
https://yunzhu.li/winaes/ WinAES-Portable, AES256 and Camellia256 encryption ciphers,Hash generator,context menu integration.
http://www.codegazer.com/pixelcryptor/ PixelCryptor- Instead of a password or key, the program uses an image file (any image) and generates a checksum from it, which acts as your key to lock and unlock the files in the archive.To unlock an encrypted file, simply select the proper image when prompted and the content will be revealed.
and many more..
Thank you GAOTD
Files inside Locked or Hidden Folders are easily retrievable by some method, so encrypting any confidential file with a strong password is better options from the security point of view.
Kryptelite is one of the program I had used previously but the problem arose when I had lost password. I tried Kryptel Data Recovery but it can recover only the files encrypted with enterprise edition and encrypted with Kryptelite or Kryptel Standard, are not recoverable.
But I prefer FREE SafeHouse Explorer (Once Mr. Giovanni had suggested this program, thanks to him ) - It creates a private storage areas on local hard drive or external media to hold confidential files. It can optionally be run as a stand-alone executable file without needing to be installed, meaning that it can be run directly from USB memory devices or even from the Internet. But it also doesn't offer any lost password retieval option.
Having tried several encryption programs, including Truecrypt, I finally settled for 7-Zip, a program which can compress and encrypt to AES-256, simply and quickly.
Once encrypted, you can do anything you want with the files - all is simple, except opening them without the password.
And yes, it's free!
Thanks to 1-abc.net for the offer, but sadly, File Encrypter 7 seems a little too involved for me.
Thanks also to GAOTD.
Толку в этих программ для шифрования? Прятать файлы от самого себя? Обычно у компьтера 1 хозяин.
Особо мнительные могут записять информацию на флешку и закопать ее в огороде :)
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У кого есть русификатор этой программы.
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Ценность этой проги без русского языка стремится к нулю! Админ, огромная просьба указывайте наличие русского!!!
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Кто-нибудь в курсе, можно ли будет открыть зашифрованные файлы (не самораспаковывающися) в случае, если с самой программой что-то случится? Глянул на офсайте - вроде бесплатных версий программы нет.
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